Tuesday, February 9, 2010

weird things that happenned to me at the romance show part 1

So last Sunday Kath and I and the train rek gang went to the Niagara Romance show. Rob was going to be doing announcing and promoting the radio station. He asked me to come along to help and then Kath got the day off as well. So we got there early in the morning and set up the speakers and equipment. It didn't take to long to set up. Anyhow this brings me to weird experience of the day number one. On my way back in from a bathroom break a lady selling avon at a booth called out my name. I didnt recognize her. I thought she was my ex crazy landlady. Here's the conversation that followed

"Do you know who i am?."
"no sorry."
"I'm your fathers 2nd wife."

Ok a little back story here. In the early 90's my father and mother got divorced. My father had cheated on her. I havent seen or spoken to my father since 1995. He had picked me up while i was waiting for a bus. I had given him my telephone number and he never used it. I never called him either. Ok recap done back to the action.

"your father's not doing well. He's going in for a colonascopy. I don't know why you don't talk to him."

Now i didn't know what to say. I was totally blind sided. I'd never met the woman before and i was trying to figure out how she knew me.

"i don't know why you've been feuding all these years."
I haven't been feuding with my father. He chose to not have any contact with me or my sister. Su has actually gotten ahold of him a few times in recent years but it was her that did all the work.

"maybe you should get a hold of him. I would really like to get to know you and your wife."

Yeah that would be swell. We can be best buds and hang out together. Maybe we can braid each others hair.

So i finally pipe up after being in shock.
"look i will shoot him an email. I can get the address from Su. That's about all i can promise."

"yes su should have it she's been over a few times to the house."

Yup Su told me all about those visits. She said it was awkward for her. My sister is outgoing. I am not. I could imagine it being 100 times worse for me.

With that i went back to our booth. Needless to say i didnt use the bathroom for the rest of the day. I just sat there for awhile eating cookies. As of this writing i haven't emailed my father. I'm trying to think of something to send. Definately gonna keep it light. I'm sure i'll think of something

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