Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloween?

Wow day didn't start off so good. I woke up sick. Sore throat. It feels like i swallowed sand. Also i totally got daylight savings time wrong. It's next week. So i set my clock wrong and got up later than i wanted. Didn't get to spend any time with Kath before she went to work. I suck.

Happy free candy day!

Happy halloween everybody! I'm looking forward to trick or treating with Diana and eating some candy! We're giving out comic books to trick or treaters this year. I'' cap the evening of with the halloween episode of Get Your Geek on. Plus its day light savings time so i get an extra hour of sleep. Good Times!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Diana's Big Dress up Day

Just got back from dropping Diana off at school. It's the Friday before halloween so all the kids are in costume. Later today Diana's class will go on a halloween parade and get a halloween party. Diana is dressed like a witch. Another kid in her class was inspector Gadget and there was even a mini hell boy. There were some really cool costumes. Anyhow gonna chill out on the couch and watch some tv. Gonna work on some show stuff as well. Have a great day

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Pumpkin Patch good times

Tuesday i got to stay home from work and go with Diana and her class to the Pumpkin farm. It was a farm out in Welland called Bry anne's farm. I arrived at her school around noon to board a bus. Man that bus was uncomfortable. It was pretty cool. They had a corn maze and a hay maze that we all went through. Very muddy though. Had to wash my shoes after wards. There was a hay rise as well out to a huge pumpkin patch. At the pumpkin patch all the kids got to pick out their own Pumpkin for haloween. Diana was really good but on the bus ride home she decided she was to cool to sit with me and sat with some of her friends. That was ok though. Oh and i found it funny that everyone was calling me Mr Stewart. That makes me laugh.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The gang in my house!

Yesterday Kath hosted a party for our friend Bev and her daughter who are selling discover kids toys. Unfortunately i couldn't be there as i of course was at my lame ass job. I did get to swing by for a bit on my lunch break. Everyone at the party was cool. Rach and Becky were here and our friends Kim and Trish. We hadn't seen Trish in 9 years since i quit my donut diner job.We last saw Kim briefly in the parking lot of price chopper about a year after Diana was born. It was cool seeing them again. We all used to hang out in a little group when i worked at the diner. We saw movies practically every Sunday afternoon and they helped keep my sanity on a nightly basis. I used to get a lot of dunk assholes on my shift and they were always there to cheer me up. They were even at my wedding. We definately have to hang out again soon. There has even been mention of maybe attending karaokee some night which would be really cool.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Older than the teachers

Ok man i am feeling old. Dropped Diana off to school and for the second day in arow she has a substitute teacher. Now I've noticed something at her school. All the teachers are young and (sorry to be blunt) hot. The teacher she had yesterday looked like actress Amanda Peet. When i was a kid all my teachers were massively old and close to retirement age. I don't think i had a young teacher until at least grade 7 or 8. Now I'm older than every teacher at her Diana's school. I gotta tell you if the teachers had been that good looking when i was a kid i might have looked forward to school. Instead i got the old lady who said my name so bad that i never wrote "Jay" down on a paper again. Ok old man Jay is gonna lay down on the couch now before he breaks a hip.. Have a great day.

WTF Billy Joel?

Ok anybody that knows me knows I am a huge fan of Billy Joel. I've liked his music since 1980 when i bought my first 45' single "It's Still Rock and Roll To Me." In 1984 my parents took me to my first concert- Billy Joel on his Innocent Man tour. I've seen him numerous times since. I love all his albums. However he hasn't released a new album of songs since 1993. He's put out 2 singles and a classical album. Ok I don't have an issue with that. Classical music isn't my cup of tea but at least he was trying something different. What grinds my gears is that every year there seems to be a new greatest hits of his material. I just read there's a new one coming out in November. That's an awful lot of greatest hits cd's for a guy that hasn't had a new cd in 17 years. Come on man put out a new cd already. He's still touring but I've avoided going --tickets have been massively expensive and I'm not spending a million dollars to hear the same songs over and over again. A couple of years ago he tried an experiment that i thought was really cool. Since he didn't have a new album to promote he was playing a lot of album tracks and stuff he hadn't played in years. There were still some hits but they were mixed in pretty good with the other tracks. He had even opened the shows with Piano Man-- a song he had been closing the shows with since 1986. It was so cool. I couldn't wait for the show to get to my area. Yeah the experiment lasted maybe 2 or 3 shows. Within the week the shows were back to 99 percent greatest hits and maybe a rare song or 2.

So to sum up I still like his music a lot but he needs to stop living on past success. Other musicians his age have continued to put out awesome music and new cd's--I'm looking at you Bruce Springsteen. And come on Mr Joel--really another greatest hits? Dude seriously? Ok I am off my soap box.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh great garbage can lid

So I was walking Diana to school and say a grey garbage can lid near her school on the road--much like the one we lost the other day. Later in the day Kath and i went to pick up Diana from school and the lid was still there. Yoink. Garbage can lid problem solved! I am a sneaky m f'er.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Insensitive Jay

Did i ever mention i like days off? Work hasn't been too bad this week. I can really only remember one bad call. An old man kept telling me i was insensitive because i told him he was past due and might be turned off. I wasn't trying to be a dick about it. He told me a date he could make a payment and i said i didn't know if he would be shut off before that. He freaked out and wouldn't let me talk and kept saying i was insensitive. By the end of the call i guess i was. I asked how i was being insensitive and he said it was because i had mentioned the interruption. I said that wasn't being insensitive. I added that its my job to mention what i did when a customer is past due. I could actually be in trouble if i didn't tell hi. He again yelled and said i was being sensitive to which i replied--no if i had said i don't care when you' make your payment then that's being insensitive. Yeah it went to a supervisor but that's ok cause he wouldn't listen to the supervisor either.

Man someone didn't want me to get to work yesterday. The power was out on the main street where my work is. So no stop lights. It took about ten minutes to cross the road. When i got to the front door there was a note stating that we couldn't use that door for 3 days. So i had to trek around to the back of the building to get in. Of course when i got in someone was sitting in my regular seat. I know we aren't supossed to have assigned seating but I'd been sitting there all year with no problems. One new person is sitting in our row so because of that everyone else is sitting in new seats. So i couldn't sit with Trudy or Deb. Luckily i got to sit with the group i sit with on Saturdays. Actually because i had to use the back door all day i got to see my friend Stacey which was cool.

So not at work today. Gonna think about something cool to talk about and i will be back later. Have a great day.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Holy crap it's been a year.

Last night we celebrated a milestone. One year ago we started "Get Your Geek On." I can't believe its been on the air for a year. It's been really fun. Thanks to all of you who have listened. Thanks to all the guests who have been cool about being interviewed and what not. Thanks to Rob for allowing our geek rambling every week. Thanks to my awesome wife as well for helping me to put on the show. Can't wait to see what the next year will bring for the show.

Why is my stomach large?

I realized that i have a serious addiction. I need help. I am addicted to pumpkin flavored snacks. There are plenty of them this time of year. Everything from pumpkin donuts at Tim Hortons to Pumpkin muffins at 7-11 to Pumpkin shakes at Macdonalds. Not to mention pumpkin blizzards at Dairy Queen. October needs to be over before i get even fatter. Maybe i'll sneak out for a pumpkin donut. Tim Hortons is 2 minutes away!

Work or no work,Mondays always suck.

It's Monday and despite not working today it is already starting off shitty. I woke up feeling sick. Diana has been sick for awhile and Kath is to. I knew my time was coming soon. It's great that i don't work today so i can take it easy and rest. I did have to wake up and take Diana to school. No problem there. I came home and the garbage has been picked up. What sucks about that? Our garbage lid is gone. Lovely. I walked around the parking lot looking for it. It's gone and that sucks. It may have ended up in the garbage truck with the garbage. Who knows. Happy Monday!!

Awesome day with my awesome Stewart family

Yesterday was quite the awesome day! We got up bright and early to go to the buffalo comic con. Its a nice little convention we try and get to every year. We hadn't gone in 2 years. Everyone knows the saga of me and the passport issues last year. We actually started going to the con the day after we got married in 2001. Wow 9 years. It was actually our first con. I can always find great deals at this one. There's plenty of guys selling comics for a dollar or 50 cents. It's great getting books for that cheap. It allows me to check out comics i normally wouldn't have purchased. I found 23 comics for about 15 dollars. It was awesome. There were more people than usual dressed in super hero costumes. Like i said its a smaller con so not a lot of people dress up. We stayed there for a couple of hours.

Lunch time was also awesome. We visited a pizza place called pizza junction that was actually featured on an episode of diners drive-ins and dives on the food network. We ordered this really awesome beef on wick pizza that had roast beef and a horse radish sauce. Man it was awesome. We wanna go back again to sample some of their other pizzas. Diana got 1 slice that was bigger than her whole plate.

I booked the next day off work as well just because. No feeling of dread the whole day. It was great. Thanks Kath and Diana for such a great day!

Trick ot treat indeed!

so I'm happy. I get to take Diana trick or treating after all. She has been on the fence about it lately. She has been saying she didn't want to go out because she is scared of Halloween costumes. So what changed her mind? Two things actually. She found a costume she liked--a witch. So we bought her the costume from the super store. The second thing that had a hand in changing her mind--she got a Mr. Potato Head trick or treat bucket from Macdonalds. On Halloween i will take her trick or treating and then we will do the halloween episode of get your geek on. Can't wait!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cool nerdy wedding

Sunday we attended the wedding reception of our friends mike and Suzy. We couldn't make the actual wedding because Kath had to work Sunday morning. She never asked for Sunday off because on her new work schedule she isn't suppossed to work on Sundays. Oh well what can you do? Anyhow we at least got to go to the dinner and dance. It was really awesome. So Mike and Suzy are nerds like us. When the wedding party was being introduced they walked in wearing star wars masks while star wars music played. Nickle was in the wedding party and she walked in wearing a Boba Fett mask. It almost makes me want to plan another wedding with a super hero theme.

The dinner was great. Seeing as how it was Thanksgiving weekend the food was Thanksgiving type food. Turkey, Ham, Mashed potatoes, the works. Music was provided by our good friend Rob. It was a great time.

There was also a slide show about the couple. There was a section in it about Suzy liking cats. Why am i bringing this up? Our cat Merlin had his picture on the screen. Suzy was the original owner of Merlin. Haven't been that proud since Diana made the slides at Kath's Christmas party. I teared up a little because watching the slides made me realize that someday Diana will grow up and get married. My little girl.

Anyhow just wanna thank Suzy and Mie for the invite. It really was a great reception. Congrats to you guys. You guys rock !

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tuesday stuff

I'm sitting here listening to the black crowes and eating toast. Yup I'm living the good life. I got in from work a little while ago. Was just putting the basement back together. The insulation guys were here one last time today to insulate the basement. They are done. Thanh God. No more pulling stuff out of rooms. My day kinda sucked but i wasnt in too much of a bad mood. I got October 26th off so i can go with Diana's class to the pumpkin patch. Should be fun.
Just waiting for Kath to come home and gonna watch some tv. I will write soon.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Just a quick happy thanksgiving to all my Canadian friends and family. Kath is american so she tells everyone its practice Thanksgiving. Diana has started saying that to. Crazy kid. We're going to my mom's house for dinner today. Can't wait for turkey.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Unexpected weight loss

So apparently i lost 3 and a half pounds this week. Why is that odd? I havent been following my diet at all. As a matter of fact i have had cake and donuts everyday this week. I also havent been drinking my water. I guess i do get extra walking in every day. I also eat a lot of pumpkin donuts. So thanks cake/donut diet.

See ya big head!

So just read that Phil Collins is retiring. My luck is getting better all the time! I'm gonna miss those album covers with his big head. Not.

Friday good times

Just had a great day. Diana Had the long thanksgiving weekend off so i got to sleep in. Thats a good day right there. I put her bedroom back together. It looks better than ever. The insulation guys have to come back on Tuesday to work in the basement. I have to clean out the laundry room but after that day they won't need to come back and our house will be warmer in winter. So i work tomorrow and then i'm off another 2 days. I love days off. Have i ever mentioned that? We're going to a wedding Sunday so we pre recorded our show tonight. Nicole and Rob came over to watch some tv. So the day was descent.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Hampton Roads can bite me

Well work has screwed me again. So we take calls for about 9 different markets. * of the markets are similar. There's one market--Hampton roads which is turning into a huge pain in the ass. So we have a 50 dollar credit limit we can use if we have to. Hampton Roads has different credit codes than the other markets. SO we are constantly getting the credits wrong. To brag a little but i went a year without getting a credit code wrong. Then In August i started getting whats known as batch corrections. If you use the wrong code then the credit has to be reapplied. Since August i have had 8 batch corrections. So because of this i was written up and there is now a note to my file. My first such note in 9 years of working there. The next step will be corrective action. Fuck that. My solution? No one in hampton roads is ever getting a credit from me again even if they deserve it. I'm not getting fired over a credit. Screw that.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Work was Hoth cold

Day 2 of the big insulation project.I'll be glad when its done. Glad I've been at work when the project has been going on. Speaking of work it sucked beyond belief yesterday. It was freezing. We were all wearing our jackets. I couldnt feel my feet or hands. It didnt help that i had walked Diana to school in the rain and my feet were completely soaked. I had to wait 5 hours to go home and change my socks. So that was fun. Anyhow I'm off to go to work again right now. I'm off for 2 days starting tomorrow so just looking forward to relaxing. Anyhow I'll talk to you all soon.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Craptacular week of crap

Monday. Man i want this week to be over. It rained all day and it was beyond crazy busy at work all day. I'm sure the next 2 days will suck ass due to the big insulation project. I think the week won't improve until Thursday. We're recording our show on Friday. Sunday we are going to the wedding of our friends Suzie and Mike. I just have to experience a few shitty days to get to the awesome ones. Son of a bitch i wish time travel was real. I would skip over the next 2 days. That remote control of Adam Sandler would come in really handy right about now as well. Oh well. Hell week here i come