Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rest In Peace Davy Jones

I received some sad news when i came home on my lunch break today. Kath informed me that Davy Jones of the Monkees had passed away from a heart attack. I couldn't believe it and we were both in shock. We both love the Monkees. I'm really glad we got to see them in concert last year. I couldn't believe all the people who messaged me about on facebook today. Rest in Peace man.

Last day of February.

Ok February didn't suck that bad. That being said I'm looking forward to March, I'm not really sure why. Its not like there's a lot going on in March. We have a small convention in Buffalo at the end of March. Those small cons are great. Lots of cheap comics. It'll be the first time in over a year and a half that Kath and i get to go to a Buffalo con. Last year she didn't have her passport. Also in March there's a new Bruce Springsteen cd, I'm excited. Not only do i love his music but i haven't purchased a cd since 2010. Word has it that its an angry album. Should be awesome to just turn up and blast when I'm pissed off. For those of you reading my blog you know that I'm pissed off quite a bit. So hooray i guess.

Happy Leap day!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Monday the mood killer

I don't mind to be blunt but Monday sucked balls. I got to work and there were no seats as usual. I walked around like a moron until one was available. Then i realized it was beyond super crazy busy. Non stop calls the whole damn day.Then my system went down and i sounded like a moron for a bit. The best part of my day occurred after i used the little boys room, I went to due my belt up and ripped it in half. Luckily i have an amazing wife who went to Walmart and got me a new belt that i grabbed at lunch time. My good mood from the weekend quickly faded. I hate that. Stupid day job.

Gygo the extended cut

Kath and i decided that we're going to make Get Your Geek on a 3 hour show. Its currently 2 hours. The last few episodes we have been running out of time to talk about everything we wanted to. Kath made the suggestion we add another hour. So starting next week we're gonna give it a try. I'm coming up with a few new segments for the show. I'm excited about it. I think its gonna be cool. Now if there wasn't so many people calling into the day job i could have some time to think up the new segments.

Wow the Joker had a car

Blog number 775! Gonna try and make this a happy one. Don't worry i have plenty more pissed off blogs to come. Anyhow I had an awesome weekend. First of all there was no work. That right there makes the world go around.

Saturday afternoon we were invited to our friend John Bulmers house. Kath was at work so i went with Rob and Diana. John is a great guy who works with Kath. He's also an amazing artist who has been on our show and like us a huge comic book geek. He got a copy of 2 captain America tv movies from 1979. I hadn't seen them since i was 10. We were gonna have John on the show to review them. They were pretty bad and cheesy yet funny to watch after all this time. We all had a good laugh. John's wife made us an amazing spaghetti dinner. We weren't expecting that. We were just expecting to eat chips. Like us John has a really cool basement filled with action figures and geek stuff galore. It was great. Thanks John for having us over. Diana was really good as well. It was a fun time

Sunday I hung out with Diana. We went for a walk and went to the new flea market. I got a Joker car for 50 cents. Who knew the joker had a joker mobile? Diana was given a free balloon. We also had hot dogs for lunch. A crazy old man walked by and looked at Diana and said "that's a big hot dog. You're gonna get fat!." Yeah move along ya crazy old man. John Bulmer came over and was our guest on Get Your Geek On. Man i could have talked comics all night. The man knows his stuff. Kath and i ended the night with some tv watching until she fell asleep. I was in such a good mood. The weekend was fun.

Sunday, February 26, 2012


So happy the weekend is finally here. So many dumb calls this week that almost had me pulling out my hair. All my customers on Friday were angry old timers. My favorite was the guy who was pissed because we didn't tell him we would bill him for 30 days at a time. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that how every utility company in the world charges people? How many days a month did he think we were going to bill him for?

So glad that week is over. The weather was crap, the customers were crap. I almost stepped in crap. Just an all around crappy week. Long live the weekend!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Back to work

Well my three day weekend is now over. I have no desire to go to work today. It will probably be super busy and i don't think i can deal with that. Yuck. I'm already looking ahead to next weekend and sleeping in and all the wonderful stuff that comes with a day off. At least its only a 4 day work week. Thats small comfort. I'm just going to think happy thoughts. Yeah I'm sure that will work.

Monday, February 20, 2012

I like to ramble

So i actually did go in for my half an hour shift tonight. Ridiculous. It wasnt bust so not really sure why it was such a big deal for me to be there. I took a total of 2 calls. One of the calls was a technical call so i had to transfer to the technical department. The other call was maybe 3 minutes long. Good times. Actually what a waste of my time.

Got home at 8:45, put Diana to bed and watched The Walking Dead with Kath. Had 2 cupcakes as well. Family day was pretty cool. Took a walk with Diana,really nice weather. As always working on the next show. Coming up with a wish list for interviews at wizard world. Catherine Stewart from such 80's films as The Last Starfighter and Night Of The Comet is going to be there. I really want Kath to interview her. Kath Stewart interviews Cath Stewart, I love it. Well back to work talk to you soon.

Holiday greetings

To all my Canadian friends have an awesome family day. It looks really nice outside. The sun is shining bright. I think Diana and i are going to take a walk once we eat and get dressed. I can't wait for Kath to get home at 5. Only downer is that half an hour of work i have to do. Looking forward to watching some tv with my wonderful wife.

If you're an american then i hope you're having a great presidents day.

Lastly just wishing our good friend and fellow geek Kristen a very happy birthday. She's helped us out with the show a bunch of times and like me she is at the awful dayjob. It was actually her birthday yesterday but in the midst of all the other holidays today just wanted to wish her all the best.

Geeking Out with the fam.

Ok i am a proud geek. I took my daughter to see a star wars film on the big screen. So Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace was just re released and this time its in 3d. I guess the plan is to release each of the 6 star wars movies in 3d--1 a year for the next six years. I am a huge star wars fan and have been since i was 8 years old. I even like the prequels--episodes 1 through 3. They get a lot of flak but i like them.

We had a great time. The kid hasn't taken off her 3d glasses since. She was good. Didn't talk the whole time--even watched the Darth Maul parts and she's scared of him. I was so happy i got to take her. I felt like a little kid watching it again to. It was a big part of my childhood. My one regret is i wanted to get Diana's pic taken with a star wars poster at the theater--like we did with her at the Muppets. No star wars posters in the whole place. What the H? So we settled for our pic with the American Pie stand up. Such a great day. Kath had an awesome time to. She was smiling the whole time and managed to stay awake. That was huge for her. I love my Stewart family.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Porn disputes oh how i have missed you.

Hooray! I got my wish. My first big porno dispute since i've been back at the cable company. Lady was disputing porn charges on bill stating that she didn't order movies like that. Meanwhile there was porn on every bill for 2 years and that seemed to be ok. As always here is some of the humorous titles that were ordered.

Varsity slut squad
Tap that fat taco--that seems racist
freshman butt sluts
casting call: 12 inches only--that seems unfit to men 11 inches and smaller
and finally the heartwarming film--hijack my hole--have we learned nothing from the terrorists?

It really is great to be back.

Made it to the weekend.

Thank God. I made it to the weekend. I had my doubts there for a bit. Customers were in fine form this week. A gentleman who sounded like Redd Foxx from sanford and son got into a yelling match with me today. Here's the dumb thing--i agreed with what he was saying and told him what he was saying was correct but he didn't see it that way. He said he wasn't comfortable talking to me because i didn't know what i was talking about. Um i was agreeing with what you were saying? Hello? I wasn't disputing a single thing he was saying. Everybody say it with me " the job would be great if it wasn't for the fucking customers!"

Speaking of ridiculous work crap. So Monday is family day-- a holiday that was made up less then 5 years ago. Tuesday we got an email saying that 50 of us could take the day off as a paid holiday. I jumped at the chance--a 3 day weekend? Yes please. I put in my request at noon that day and waited. I still hadn't heard back from my manager on Thursday afternoon. I had to let our babysitter know whether or not she would be taking Diana on Monday. Turns out my manager had emailed the request to the wrong department. Here's where it gets super dumb. My schedule for Monday changed today--i guess I'm getting most of Monday off. I have to go in at 8 at night and i'm done at--are you ready for this? 8:30. So I'm off all day and have to go to work for half an hour that night. So lame. Yay me.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Some random rambling on a wednesday night

Wow I have been neglecting the ol' blog. 15 days into the month and this is only my 2nd blog. The Stewart family has been sick. Last week Kath had to go pick up Diana because she coughed so hard at school that she threw up. Did i tell you how brave my daughter is when it comes to throwing up? She doesnt even care. She was mad that she had to go home sick. I still cry when i throw up. Its the worst feeling in the world.

Other than that not to much has been happening. I'm still getting used to being back in the land of the redneck. So many angry calls. I'm not a happy camper. Thats putting it nicely.

In cool news-- Allison and i have emailed a few times now. I'm happy to be reconnecting with an old friend. High school was a rough time and I'm lucky i had friends like her and Scott to help get me through it. In feeling old news I just realized high school started 29 years ago. Holy crap. I'd like to stop aging now please.

We had Hunter and Kristen on the show again last Sunday. It was our valentines day show and it was good to have one of our super geek couples on. Its nice to have new friends as well and they are a really nice couple. I know Kristen from the day job. Hunter started listening to our show when he was teaching in Korea last year. They're currently planning their wedding. In other feel old news they were born a year before i started high school. Hey i may be old but i feel like a nerdy kid.

Anyhow I'm gonna get to bed now. I'm gonna try and write some more this weekend. Take care everybody,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

For Allison

Just heard back from my friend Allison, As you recall We've been friends since grade 9 way back in the day. We used to write letters to each other in school and through the mail. This continued for many years before the dawn of the internet and emailing. Her 12 year old daughter Aivry thinks that its cool we used to do that. I was almost tempted to get out the old pen and paper and do it again. Then i realized my handwriting is just plain awful. I can't even read it myself sometimes. You would think it would be easy to write now that email exists but i have really slacked off writing over the years. I suck i know. I'm trying to keep up to date this year. It makes me happy hearing back from my friends especially after a long day of red necks yelling at me.
I have all her old letters as well as old letters from other friends over the years. There's a box of them in my basement. I'm thinking of reading them and feeling old.

Anyhow Allison isn't on facebook anymore and mentioned she misses seeing pics of Diana so will leave some on this blog.