Saturday, August 31, 2013

Gonna get back in time

  I mentioned a movie i love a few posts back--Raiders Of the Lost Ark. Another film i love is the 1985 classic-Back To The Future. Its got time travel and Huey Lewis music so you know i love it. I own the Back to The Future trilogy and a few months back i got to share them with Diana for the first time. She loved them. Why am i bringing it up now?  Well last Friday a local radio station was playing the first movie on the big screen down by the beach here in town. We got some treats and  threw our lawn chairs in the car and went to watch it, It was very cool seeing it on the big screen again and its still such a nice film. Man movies were so much better back then.

Congratulations buddy

 Congratulations are in order. My good friend of 25 years, Andrea has gotten married. I want to wish her all the happiness in the world. A big vulcan salute and a tip of the Indiana Jones fedora to her and her new husband.

Its Not the years,its the mileage

  Wow i hit the jackpot!!  I just found out we have the action channel and what's the first thing i get to see? The last 45 minutes of my favorite movie Raiders Of The Lost Ark!!    I got to see that movie in the theatre 9 times in 1981. Still a fantastic film that has held up all these years later. Indiana Jones is my all time favorite character and Harrison Ford is my favorite actor If that wasn't enough, Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom just came on!!  If i stay up another 2 hours perhaps i will see Last Crusade!!  Good times. 

14 years ago tonight

   So 14 years ago tonight I first spoke with Kath online in a chat room. She caught my eye because she mentioned she was from Buffalo which isn't to far from here. We chatted for about an hour and i had to cut it short to go  work the midnight shift at the Donut Diner. I had forwarded her my pic which she calls my Duran Duran pic. When i got home at 7 in the morning i  opened up an email to see her pic.

 Anyhow  that was the beginning and since then she has become my wife and best friend and now co host. It sure doesn't feel like 14 years. Happy anniversary of our first conversation honey!

End of the summer

   It's the last day of August. I can't believe summer is almost done. Diana goes back to school on Tuesday. I can't believe the kid is going into grade 3. It blows my mind. She's growing up so fast. Five more years until she's a teenager. Ok gonna stop myself there before i start getting depressed.

  This summer turned out to be better than i thought. I became friends with Colin again , i got to try camping with my family and i met Macgyver. More on the Macgyver meeting really soon.

 In other good news we will have a table at the Burlington toy show next weekend. We're gonna try and  get the word out to more people about our show. I can't wait. Oh and we were also provided with press passes to this event as well. Thank you Burlington toy con.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Con Bravo

    Going back in time to July--my birthday July 26 to be exact. So we discovered another cool comic book convention in Burlington called Con Bravo. When were at the Niagara Falls comic con we got word of con Bravo from a few people we had interviewed. On a lark Kath applied for press passes. We heard from them right away. and they provided us with 3 press passes.  So on July 26th we grabbed our business cards and recording device and gathered our good friend John Bulmer.

  I gotta tell you,this con was so organized. It was easy to get around. There was a big artist alley section featuring comic book artists and all kinds of geek crafts. Between Kath and John and myself we managed to get 10 interviews. It was great.  We got to interview a guy named Alphonso who runs an independent comic company called studio comix. We had met him at art o con and we've been promoting each other ever since. Great guy.  We had a fantastic time. We also made a new contact. There were a few ladies promoting a con in Guelph next year--g con. We told them about our pod cast and they want us to be involved. See? we're making new friends and contacts with this new show and it  makes me happy. I've included a pic of myself and our contact from g con.

  Before we left we  got our photos done once again by the fine folks from Cos play for the cure.  So thanks con Bravo for an awesome day. You guys sure do know how to put on a great show.

The end of August

 Holy. Tomorrow is the last day of August. Maybe i should blog at least once this month? How has everyone been? Hasn't been a bad month. Well except for our fridge dying. It was terrible for a few days. Food defrosting and going bad, Luckily our complex was cool and got  us a new  one  in a few days. Food is good now and we have ice cubes!

August 23rd was my sisters birthday so happy birthday sis!!

What else? I got into Doctor Who. That character has been around for 50 years. I remember my parents watching it when i was a kid. Well the new adventures of the Doctor started in 2005 and Kath has been watching it. I caught on  about 4 seasons into the new series and so has Diana. Pretty cool show.

 Well i'm rambling. I will have more blogs momentarily.