Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Diet is a go

Oh i just remembered one thing in January that did make me happy. I started a diet January 1st and so far it seems to be working. I've lost 9 pounds. My short term goal was 12 so i am almost there. If i could lose another 10 after that befoer wizard world in April that would be awesome. I've started drinking more water and cutting out all the extra crap i was eating. Its amazing what happens when you dont eat 6 cookies for lunch.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Good riddance January

I know it seems like i say this at the end of every month but i can't wait for this month to be over. Shitty weather, i was sick 3 times,part of my tooth fell out and i'm back at the cable company. I don't have a whole lot going on in February. I am going with Kath and Diana to see Star Wars episode 1 in 3d. All 6 star wars movies are being remastered in 3d and they will be released 1 a year for the next 6 years. Sure its the worst of the star wars films but I'm excited Diana gets to see Star wars on the big screen. Also that movie had my favorite of all the light sabre duels. That'll be in 3 weeks. Also Kristen and Hunter are gonna be on the february 12th episode of get your geek on. So i have 2 things to look forward to next month. Suck it January. Suck it long and suck it hard.

Diana's playdate

I'm so excited for my kid. She just got invited to her first play date after school tomorrow. Her friend sarah invited her over. Her mom wrote us a note and invited Diana over. I think thats really cool. Diana has a best friend ! that makes me really happy. I guess they are both alike in a lot of ways and they are both shy. I'm glad they found each other. Friends are important. I can't wait to get through my next horrible shift to hear all about it.

I blinked and missed the weekend

I've got a bad feeling about today. I woke up sick again. Stuffy nose, sore throat,the works. It snowed last night as well so had to trek through that. Oh and the best part--i get to work in a few hours. How is my weekend over already? Man i already want it to be next weekend already so i can lay on the couch and watch movies with Kath. Hopefully the rest of the day will be alright. I'm gonna go eat some eggs and toast. That will cheer me up.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

chuck you

Friday night we said goodbye to one of our favorite shows Chuck. The show had been on the air for 5 years and had its series finale. Joining us for the finale was our good friends Hunter and Kristen. I won't give to much away as we'll be talking about it on this week's Get your Geek On. I can't believe another awesome show is over. Damn you NBC. I will miss the show and especially miss actress yvonne strahovskis skimpy outfits

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The long ass week

Thank God the week is over. I don't like being back with the cable company. I forgot how crazy the customers get. Its all coming back slowly. Still getting used to it all over again. Its rough.

The weather has been really shitty all week as well. This year there's a pattern. It will snow and then a day or 2 later it will rain all day leaving a huge muddy mess. Today it rained and then snowed and then rained some more. Really?

I felt sick all week. Some sort of stomach virus. Threw up a few times and ate a lot of tums. It sure was swell.

So to sum up- snow, puking and loud mouthed customers not good. Weekend off-good.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I've come home

So yesterday was my first day back at the cable company. All i have to do for 3 days is listen in on other calls. So for the first half of my shift all the customers were nice--i thought i was in the wrong place. After lunch it all came back. The porn disputes,the complaining and of course people getting mad about the programming. See older blogs for my comments on that. Like we have a say in cbs not running Jeopardy. Sigh. I'm back.

Producer Kath

Sunday was a first for the show. Rob had work to do in Toronto for his show so Kath produced Get Your Geek On. Rob gave her a crash course in producing before he left. It actually went over pretty well. Nickle sat in as well. We actually went down to the studio an hour and a half before air time just to make sure everything was working and we played an hour and a half of Barney Bentall songs. It was pretty great.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Maybe 2012 will be ok part 2; oh boy!

So wizard world is coming up in April. If you recall that's the con we usually get in for free and we interview a celebrity or 2. There weren't any celebrities i gave a crap about this year. Then earlier this week the announcement came--the big star this year is Scott Bakula from Quantum Leap. Quantum Leap is hands down my favorite show of all time. It was about a scientist who lept back in time within his own lifetime and he had a hologram friend named Al that only he could see and hear. I loved that show. I'm a sucker for a time travel story. I've followed his career since the show as well. If i got to interview him it would be a total geek moment. Man i hope that comes true. Best year ever if it happens.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Ok maybe 2012 won't suck completely

On the way back from taking Diana to school Kath hooked up her i pod and played me the new Bruce Springsteen single. It's called we take care of our own and the album is out on March 6. So i have that to look forward to at least. Go boss!

The shittiest news of the month:worse than the dog shit incident

So now its time to reveal the shittiest news i got this month. This is the big reason that 2012 is starting off horrible. My friend Deb and i got told that we are going back to our old job with the cable company. I am not looking forward to rednecks and their porn disputes again. It is going to suck so bad, At least my blog will get funny again. Here's the best part. We've been gone almost a year and we're getting no training. We get to listen into other peoples calls for a couple days. I don't remember anything and i threw my old notes away. Should be an adventure. There are a couple of cool things about going back. I don't have to do shift bids every three months and they are allowing me to keep my weekends off. But lord I'm gonna have to deal with those damn red necks again. Did i mention the porn disputes?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

2012 suck ass part 2

While walking to work today in a windy rain storm i stepped in dog shit. I haven't done this since i was a kid and i was almost late to work--trying to get the shit off of my shoe. Did i mention i hate this year?

2012 Sucks ass part 1

So i haven't blogged in awhile. I am not liking this year so far. So about a week and a half ago part of my tooth fell out while eating a piece of toast. It didn't hurt or anything so i let it go. A week and a half later I'm in so much pain. It literally feels like my mouth is going to explode. Yeah its a great feeling. Its especially great when it starts hurting ar work while speaking with customers. oh good times.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Happy birthday Andrea

Wow i haven't blogged in 2 weeks. Since i don't want to start the year off with a blog about me bitching i will start with something a little happier. Oh don't worry the bitching is coming but i'll save that for the next blog. Anyhow i'd like to take this opportunity to wish my good friend of 24 years Andrea a very happy birthday. My friend Scott introduced us in 1988 and we've been pals ever since. I hope you have a great day and a big ass cake.