Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Are you new?

  Ok so the day ended great. The beginning of the day sucked as do most days at work. If you've been to this blog before then you know that's not new. There was a lot of bitching and complaining. It wasn't all that busy but i was on some long ass calls. One lady asked me like 10 questions in a row. One question right after another, Before i could open my mouth to try and answer at least one of them--she asked me if i was new? Apparently the 5 seconds she gave me to answer all the questions wasn't enough time. I've been asked if i was new before and it just rubs me the wrong way.  Anyhow at 3;30 as i was going to lunch they started sending people home because it wasn't busy. I got asked and thought hmmm i really want to leave this hell hole but don't want to miss 3 hours of pay. I texted Kath and she convinced me to come home. Bless her heart. I couldn't take much more. Thank God for having such an understanding wife

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