Friday, August 30, 2013

The end of August

 Holy. Tomorrow is the last day of August. Maybe i should blog at least once this month? How has everyone been? Hasn't been a bad month. Well except for our fridge dying. It was terrible for a few days. Food defrosting and going bad, Luckily our complex was cool and got  us a new  one  in a few days. Food is good now and we have ice cubes!

August 23rd was my sisters birthday so happy birthday sis!!

What else? I got into Doctor Who. That character has been around for 50 years. I remember my parents watching it when i was a kid. Well the new adventures of the Doctor started in 2005 and Kath has been watching it. I caught on  about 4 seasons into the new series and so has Diana. Pretty cool show.

 Well i'm rambling. I will have more blogs momentarily.

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