Saturday, December 31, 2011

Resolutions 2012

Well i guess its time to look back at my resolutions from last year and see how i did. Here's a recap

Jay's goals and resolutions for 2011

1) I'm gonna diet again and hopefully by the end of 2011 i'll be a slender reed. I want to drop some weight so i finally get to wear a costume to a convention.

2) ok seriously i need to relax at work. I'm going to try really hard to be calm around these assholes. If i have a heart attack at work the red necks win and we can't have that!

3) i want to make sure i stay in touch with all my friends a lot better than i did this year. I've already told friends like Dennis and Lisa we should get together more often. I want to at least email friends a lot more often.

4) more fun with the show. I want to try really hard to get more interviews this year. The more i do the better i will get at it.

5) ok i am running out of Party Of five actresses to have a 3 way with. This year i will try for Neve Campbell. She may have to take a day off of work from Macdonalds to accommodate this. Honestly I have the full support of my lovely wife Kath

How did i do?

1) Yeah the diet was non existant. I usually diet in the summer. Not this year. The diet was in the toilet.

2) ha ha ha. Yeah i'm never gonna relax at work. I've been downright angry at work. I tend to swear like a trucker. It ain't pretty

3) well i wasn't really successful at staying in touch with friends. Although i did hang out with Dennis and Andrea and Stacey.

4) ok i had so much fun with the show this year. We broadcast from the first Niagara Falls con,we also returned to wizard world where i got to interview an honest to God Kid in the hall.

5) can't believe the neve campbell 3 way was a bust. She wouldn't even return my calls.

ok the moment you've been waiting for

Jay's 2012 new years resolutions

1) I'm dead serious about losing weight this year. My short term goal is to lose 10 pounds before Wizard World in August. I want to lose at least 20. If i cut all the crappy food i should be able to do it. Fingers crossed

2) i want the show to keep going. I want more interviews this year. I want to broadcast live from assorted geek events

3) ok i know i need to chill out at work. I hate the job but i have a family to support. If i have to be there i should try and be happy about it

4) i think i should take another crack at inventing time travel. I want to travel back to meet the guy who coined the phrase "the customer is always right." and punch him in the balls

5) ok i'm running out of party of 5 actresess to have a 3 way with. I think Paula Devicq the maildis still left so lets say her. I do have the full support of my lovely wife Kath. Seriously.

I really hope 2012 is a fun year. There were a few good moments here and there this year but for the most part i consider it a rotten year. We lost Hesh, I got moved to another jb that i dislike as much as the last one and i still feel like i don't know what the hell I'm doing. Some opportunities that i thought were going to pan out for me didn't. I'm gonna try and put all that behind me and work on having the best year possible. I have my family standing beside me and i have my health. So happy new year everybody.

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