Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Yup you guessed it more podcast goodness

 Wow i'm kind of on a roll so I'm gonna talk more about the podcast. All my expectations are being met and then some. Kath has gotten all our segments up on our site and even on itunes. Stuff that should have been done on the old show. Kath even has a section of our website where we can see how many people have viewed our content. Are you ready for this? In a month 1,300 people have visited our site. I am beyond floored. People  seem to like us. That makes me happy. We have 22 segments recorded and we are trying to get new stuff up often. We have a movie review section, a comic book segment and of course news and geek surveys. Ryan has some friends that want to come in and record segments on horror movies and steam punk and gaming. I would produce and his friends would be the hosts. That's pretty cool. Its taking off for us. So are you all getting sick about hearing about the pod cast or should i go back into retirement  from blogging again?

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