Friday, March 15, 2013

Overcoming hurdles

 Wow i left the last post on a cliff hanger and then didn't follow it up for 2 weeks. So in the last post you read what lead Kath and i to decide to quit the radio show that we loved doing. I wasn't happy. Things needed to change for the better.  I wanted to feel like i could create a show where i  could make suggestions and not get yelled at.We needed to figure out what was involved with setting up a pod cast and we needed some awesome equipment.

  It wasn't long before Kath solved the first issue. She set up a website for us. WWW.WEGOTTHEGEEK.COM. It was fairly inexpensive to maintain. So now if the web site ever went down it was all on us. I wouldn't have to worry about someone else paying the bills to keep the site going. We did some test recordings with the old craptastic gygo equipment and put them up on the web site. The recordings went up fairly easy. Bulmer and our friends Hunter and Kristen helped us  out with some recordings about comic books. One of the things i wanted to do was have an hour comic book segment on our site. On Gygo we were always running out of time to discuss comics. Instead of one massive three hour show i wanted to break the segments down into one hour bits so people could just throw on an episode at any time. Website for our pod cast? Check. Now what to do about a new state of the art microphone?
To be continued..... 

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