Thursday, September 23, 2010

Danny Glover was right

So last Saturday i did something I hadn't done in about 15 years. I went to a strip club. I actually went with a group of friends and some of them were female. Amy had invited Kath and Nickle and some people from their work. Ok i was curious about going to a strip club with my wife and her friends so i agreed to go. I will admit i used to go to strip clubs with my friends when i was younger. Beer was cheap and i was a horny teen ager. As i got older though i became bored and stopped going. Anyhow back to the present. We met up at the sundowner in Niagara falls. This was going to be interesting. So we walked in and curiosity immediately turned to annoyance. There was a 15 dollar cover charge--for each person! What the hell? Back in my day we were never charged a cover charge, It was free. We paid anyhow because we had already agreed to meet Amy inside. Going inside was a huge mistake. It was wall to wall people--no seats and sticky floors. Yeah it was gross. We tried to make the best out of it. I was thirsty and got a can of diet coke. First time i ever paid 4.75 for a can of pop. It sucked. We were all having a shitty time so we left after an hour and went to a bar called taps. Taps turned out to be cool and we all had a couple of beers and joked around. So the moral of the story is i am too old for strip clubs. To quote Danny Glover from the lethal weapon series "i'm to old for this shit."

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