Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Working on Hoth

 Wow mid October and I have yet to blog for the month.  I guess i'll start Octobers blogs by doing some good old fashioned bitching. You'll never guess in a million years what I'm about to complain about. Nah just kidding its about work.  Rather the lack of heat at work. So for the last week its been absolutely freezing at work. I have been wearing 2 pairs of socks, a hoodie and a jacket over that. I don't take the jacket off for the whole shift. Sometimes i can't feel my hands. In fairness they did try to turn the heat on. Unfortunately there is some sort of toxic fumes that occur when the heater is turned on. Not cool. So the choices are freeze or be poisoned. I guess the heating ducts need to be cleaned. Work ain't ponying up for that. Cheap bastards.

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