Sunday, December 15, 2013

Conversations with Alfonso

 It's 2:00 am and I'm about to head off to bed. I've complained quite a bit and I am feeling quite bitter, I thought I would end the night on some good news that we experienced recently.

  Earlier this year at Art o con we met an interviewed a really cool guy named Alfonso Espinos. Alfonso runs a comic book company called Studiocomix and he writes and draws some of the titles as well.

  One of the great things about doing the podcast this year is the new friends and contacts we've made. We've gotten a little bit of recognition as well We never had that with the old live show. In June at the Niagara Falls comic con the first person who said hi to us and shook my hand was Alfonso. I thought that was pretty cool.

 In July we ran into Alfonso at con Bravo where we were  lucky enough to interview him again, Following that event he started linking to our pod cast on his face book page. We really appreciated that.

 In September at the Canadian toy con we got to interview him a third time. This time we felt really comfortable around him and joked around a little more during the interview.

  This brings us to December and Alfonso has put out the third issue of his comic The Night Spike. On the inside back cover he put up an ad for We Got The Geek. I was so touched by the gesture. It was nice. I want to take this time to thank him again for the promotion. He's such a nice guy, Do us a favor and check out his stuff at

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