Friday, September 12, 2008

Cool a mundo

Ok I figured I'd go with a happier non work related story for my second post. This one is about one of the greatests moments of my life. The day I met The Fonz! Seriously this even ranks third after getting married and the birth of my child. As many of you know I am a complete nerd. I read comics,we have action figures on our basement wall and we named our daughter after Wonder Woman. Keeping this in mind, every year in August we attend a comic book convention in Toronto. Many celebrities attend this event. Over the years the con has featured William Shatner,Lou Ferrigno and the midget that played R2D2 in Star Wars. Lots of cool people but no one i really wanted to stand in line to meet...until this year.

I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw Henry Winkler was one of the guests this year. I'd been a fan since grade 2 when Happy Days was still running. I remember being mad the night Elvis Presley died because Happy Days was interrupted. It was the one where Ritchie and Fonzie had to report for army training. Hell I almost got the strap in grade 2 for telling another kid to sit on it. As a teenager i remained a fan. He did have a hand in the creation of Macgyver after all. Man i even watched him on his lame doctor show where he was banging Jennifer Tilly. What can I say I'm a fan.

This brings me to that fateful day of August 23rd 2008. We made our way into the convention. We moved past Princess Leia's,assorted ninja's and Spidermen and fellow nerds. We somehow wound up in front of the autograph signing area. This years guests included Edward James Olmos, Data from Star Trek and Michael Rosenbaum-tv's Lex Luthor. The booth on the end belonged to Henry Winkler. Both Kath and I became nervous. We got in line to meet a tv legend. Here's what I couldnt believe, he had the shortest line in the place. We were 3rd or 4th in the line. He's a tv legend,he still appears in film(including Adam Sandler movies) and he also writes childrens books. Meanwhile the dude who played Boba Fett in 2 star Wars movies for a total of 10 minutes 25 years ago and hasnt worked since had a line wrapped around the building.Go figure. A friend of mine from work saw us and started talking to me. I can't remember a single thing she said to me. I was about to come face to face with Arthur Fonzerelli.

It was our turn. Holy crap.What could i possibly have to say to the Fonz? I shouldnt have been worried. What a nice guy he turned out to be. He talked to us for a few minutes and shook our hands and signed one of his childrens books for Diana our daughter. He wrote To Diana the world is yours. He let us take a photo and before we left Kath made me tell him about my little grade 2 near strapping experience. He laughed. So there you have it. What celebrities may we see in the future? I'm hoping someday I get to meet Macgyver. Its good to have dreams.

1 comment:

Nickle said...

And to think i saved the day by finding the Fonz!! yah the lone for Boba was retarted, heres hoping we see some awesome cats next year too!!