Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Jay: Not 100 percent grinch after all!

Ok so its Christmas Eve and I'm finally in a tiny bit of Christmas spirit. Despite being sicker than a dog I went back to work yesterday. What was really nice was recieving cards from co workers and everyone wishing each other happy hollidays amongst the usual plethora of calls from ignorant hillbillies. My friend Stace gave me a really cool old Spiderman comic and a big bird ornament for Diana. My icy/anti Christmas heart actually melted a bit. I'm not working for the next three days and I'm just looking forward to getting the house ready for "Santa" tonight and watching some Christmas movies with Kath. Christmas Vacation will be a given and we also have some movie recorded starring Michael Shanks of Stargate fame. I am looking forward to seeing Diana's reaction to gifts tomorrow and it will be nice to see my family. I've only seen my brother in law once this year. I'm hoping theres no drama or at least no chair throwing by my step father. Ah the holidays! So to anyone actually reading this blog,hope you have the most awesome Christmas!

1 comment:

Nickle said...

and a merry christmas to you too!!

ha ha ha SHUNT the word of the day