Friday, March 26, 2010

preparing for the con

Its 2:30 on Friday. Having a pretty good day. Pretty excited actually. Tomorrow we head to Wizard toronto comic con. Rob was notified about the press passes and hopefully we will be able to interview some celebrities. We put in a request to interview gil gerrard and erin gray from Buck Rogers and jewel staite from stargate atlantis. We should know tomorrow morning if our requests were granted. I've been trying to come up with questions just in case we are allowed. I'm actually starting to get a head ache coming up with questions. I just have a fear of sounding really dumb once we get there.

Just got back from taking a walk with Diana. Needed some air for a bit. I'm also excited that i'm not at work for 4 days in a row. I have to admit that work wasnt to bad this week. In 3 days i really only had 4 or 5 bad calls. People were generally nice this week. It was super dead on Wednesday and got off of the phones an extra hour and a half. It was pretty awesome. I may have read 40 comics at work that day. Good times!

Anyhow i gotta get back to work. Gonna get to bed early tonight. Gonna be a fun but long day tomorrow. Have a great night all.

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