Friday, November 26, 2010

charlie brown thanksgiving

Ok the other night Diana and i watched Charlie Browns thanksgiving. It may have been the 30th time I've seen it. Sure miss the dolly madison commercials. That's an inside joke for anyone that may have watched a charlie brown show in the 70's and 80's. Anyhow there were some things i never questioned about the show until now. Some observations if you will

1) man charlie Brows friends were assholes. They all invited themselves over for dinner and then had the nerve to be pissed off at ol' chuck because he didn't make them a turkey. What 10 year old kid knows how to make a turkey? I would have been all "you will eat your f-ing toast and jelly beans and you will like it dammit."

2) so i think i finally realized why snoopy sleeps on the roof of his dog house. His house is crammed full of ovens and tables and chairs and decorations and what not. What a dumb dog. Wait i just realized, snoopy is good enough to make all that toast for charlie browns get together but isn't allowed to sleep in the brown house? I guess Charlie Brown is an ass too

3) snoopy is kind of an a hole to. Apparently a dog has a gi-normous turkey in his house that he shares with woodstock but neglects to mention this to charlie brown who is forced to serve popcorn and jelly beans to his friends. Where does a dog get money for a turkey? I bet he stole it.

4) wait a minute--woodstock is eating turkey? Isn't he a bird? Is that canibalism?

5) snoopy isn't allowed to go to grandma's house? I think pig pen was there and he smelled like dog shit all the time. Thats real fair.

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