Thursday, July 15, 2010

Thursday stuff

Had a pretty cool day. Woke up feeling like crap. Lucky for me Diana let me rest on the couch for a couple of hours. Got up,had a bit of lunch and then took Diana to Tim Hortons for a donut. Then i took her to liquidation world and bouught her some Toopy and Beenoo stickers. Toopy and Beenoo are a weird cat and mouse cartoon Diana watches. Shortly after i got home Rob called and asked if i could help him. the train rek radio station was being moved to a new location. So i helped them carry some equipment over and became a sweaty mess.

After coming back home, Kath informed me of a possible interview for the show. Our friend Amy spoke to a guy by the name of Townsend Coleman and told him about our show. Who you may ask? Why the guy who did the voice of the Tick! I'm very excited. He gave his contact info to AMy to give to us. Hopefully we'll speak with him in the next few weeks.

Well going to eat dinner with the family now. Have a great night!

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