Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Great news for the geek.

And now we interrupt the usual bitching about the day job to have some nice entries about cool things that have been going on. So i finally get to cross something off of my bucket list. I've been hired to work Saturdays at Pulp Comics. Paul the owner needed a Saturday guy and since i no longer work saturdays in hell i signed up. I had my training yesterday and i start next weekend. So what about the stupid shift bid at the day job every 3 months? Well the next bid is in October and if i get a shitty shift then my lovely wife kath will step up to the plate and replace me. We wouldnt leave Paul in the lurch. He's a good guy.

Thise of you that know me know my crazy love of comics which goes back to when i was a kid. I've been wanting to work in a comic book store since i was 13. It is a dream come true.

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