Saturday, November 26, 2011

Super friends reunion

Thursday night we went to the christmas party for Kath's work. It was a little different then years past. This year in addition to dinner there was a magic show. It was in a theater in Niagara Falls that i didn't know existed. I'm not much of a magic guy but the show was really cool. I was impressed with all the tricks. The magician had some cool tigers too.

Actually the highlight of the night was seeing my friends Kim and Nick again. Kim is an old friend who works with Kath now. I had first met them over in 1999 when i was working the midnight shift at the donut diner. It was a shitty job. I got the midnight shift and it was all drunks and crazy people. I think i met Kim on my 2nd or 3rd night there. It was around this same time i met Mike and Trish and Adriel. I soon struck up a friendship with them and started hanging out and going to movies and karaokee and stuff like that. They truly kept me sane at that job. So many great stories from that time. I called them my super friends I stayed in contact with Mike and Adriel after i left the diner and lost track of Kim. When facebook started up a few years ago i reconnected with everybody. Last night was the first time i hung out with Kim in a decade. it was really nice.

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