Saturday, August 18, 2012

Denied again

So for a 3rd year in a row   the fan expo  has given us a great big f u . Once again we applied for press passes--over a month ago i might add and once again we were rejected. Third year in a row--third different excuse as to why not. This year we were told it was due to space restrictions. We're asking for passes for sunday--the slowest day of the 4 day convention. I can tell you why we were declined--fan expo is greedy.  There are thousands of people getting into  this convention and they can't spare a few passes? Last year we were told we were declined because they chose the passes in a lottery. I don't get it. The fine folks at wizard world call us and ask us if we want press passes. I don't see what the big deal is. I really don't. They've raised the price of tickets so we can't all afford to go. Kath and Diana are sitting this one out. Money grubbing sons of bitches. F U fan expo.

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