Saturday, August 25, 2012

The power hour

 Well my former billing department has gone nuts. All they care about now is sales and now they are threatening to fire people if they don't make lots of sales. So glad i got moved out of that department.

 For the last 2 days 2 of the supervisors have tried to drum up sales by having something called the power hour. What is the power hour? Well its an annoying hour each day where they walk up and down the aisles screaming "power hour!" They are giving candy and t shirts to anyone that makes a sale in that hour. It;s damn distracting because they just keep shouting over and over again until the hour is up. So we're trying to keep it together talking to our customers as they keep screaming at the top of their lungs. Did i mention that I'm super happy that i got moved to outbound calls?

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