Friday, March 4, 2011

Crappy start to March

March has started off pretty crappy. I have a cold and for 2 days there i had a really painful toothache which flared up at work. That's what you want at a job where you get paid to talk to customers.

Speaking of work, remember how i was gonna be going to a cell phone company on March 7th? Well that changed. I'm still leaving but now we're going to a different cell phone company on march the 14th. The training is now 2 weeks instead of 3 and it looks like i'll only have Canadian customers to speak with. I was really looking forward to leaving on the 7th. My theory is there was a price increase in some of the markets so their not gonna let us leave the cable company right away because of that. Nothing like taking advantage of us right up until the end. I may be a bit bitter.

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