Wednesday, April 27, 2011

All good things must end

I had such an awesome afternoon with Kath and Diana. Kath came home and we went to get comics and got some propane. Oh yeah I'm grilling burgers tonight baby! We went to Burger King for lunch and they have Thor toys! Yeah baby.

Man i am pathetic. I'm already worrying about going back to work tomorrow. I don't know whats worse blogs about me getting pissed off at work or blogs about me scarred to go into work. I hope i get over this fear. I just would like a whole day where i don't feel like an idiot. Hope that day comes while i still have a job.

Well just had a few hours of hanging out with Kath,eating burgers and watching tv. Oh good my days off are over. Yay me! Now i have to work 5 days in a row. Oh well I'll cope as best as i can. Have a great day everybody. Sweet dreams

Chilling on a wednesday

Good day and welcome to my second of 2 days off. Yesterday went by too fast. Going to pulp comics for tooney Tuesday is now a regular thing for Rob and i and its pretty cool. Rob is now back into collecting comics. You're welcome man. I like tooney Tuesdays a lot. It's cool to try comics i normally wouldn't buy. Yesterday i purchased the first issue of venom and a captain America special. I even got a punch card from the store. After 10 visits you get 50 percent off of your purchases. It's a good deal man.

I just walked the kid to school and i got so tired. I think i'm gonna need a nap. First i'm gonna trey and get some work done for Sundays show. I may write again later. Have a good one

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More breasts= less heart attacks

So Rob and Kath brought an interesting medical report to my attention. I guess a recent study was done where a bunch of guys were encouraged to look at womens breasts as much as humanly possible. Another group of guys were told not to look at breasts. The guys that looked at checked out the boobs were less likely to have stress or heart problems. So seeing as how i don't want to die of a heart attack i guess i have no choice but to check out breasts. Honest its for my health.

Monday, April 25, 2011

It was a good Friday

I forgot to mention that Good Friday was indeed a good friday. I didn't have to work. It was the first time in a long time that i had a day off with Kath and Diana. We went out and had an early dinner at a place called Lester Dd's. Its a nice little place with a movie motif. It was nice. Then we went home and watche Despicable me which was a really good movie. We followed that up with Toy story 3 which made me cry to the point of not breathing. Good times. I really hate my new schedule and wish i had more time off with my wonderful family.

Happy easter

Happy Easter everybody! I can't believe i had to work. I got up extra early so i could watch Diana look for easter eggs and open her easter basket. That made me happy--until i had to go to work. Man i hate feeling dumb at work. I ',m wondering when i will finally going to understand all the tech calls.

Anyhow i hauled ass out of there at 8 so we could do the show. Kath had cooked a nice turkey which Rob and Nickle had been kind enough to pick up for us. It was delicious. We also had pumpkin pie. Anyhow the day is over and i just wanna get through tomorrow and get to my 2 days off. Hope everyone had a nice holiday

Friday, April 22, 2011

stupid for half a day

It's Friday morning. I',m still up. I didn't rush off to bed because i have today off. I didn't have to work because its Good Friday. Thursday's shift at work started shitty. A bunch of technical calls that made me feel dumb yet again. Hooray for that. I found out i have a new manager--nice enough guy but a really hard marker of qualities. I failed 2 qualities so far. That added to the whole feeling dumb thing.

The second half of the shift was better. All billing related and short calls. Came home and watched a bunch of tv to Kath. Oh and Diana read a whole comic to me again. Stuff like that makes me feel like its all worth it.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My little baby is growing up.

When i picked Diana up from school today she smiled at me and i noticed something. she had lost another tooth. That's 3 this month--2 this week. The tooth fairy is gonna go broke. She's growing up so fast--she's gonna be 6 next month. They really do grow up so fast. She did say she can't wait to be 99 years old cause she wants to be a grandmother. That's my kid!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Oh good vin diesel news

Hell has frozen over. Fast and the furious 5 hasn't come out yet and they're already planning a 6th film. Does Vin Diesel have dirt on some studio executive? He must have something big because now i heard he'd in talks to play the new terminator. Seriously is there really any unanswered questions that need to be resolved n the fast and furious franchise?

Jay's excellent day off

Tuesday finally arrived. I don't know if i will get used to working 5 d0ays in a row. Anyhow i was looking forward to my days off. When i woke up Kath was still here. She was feeling really sick. So she decided to stay home. We took the kid to school and watched a bit of tv.

oh yeah and it should be noted that we discovered that dollar drinks are back at macdonalds! its about 2 months early for that usually summer only promo--but I ain't complaining.

Rob showed up around 11 to hang out. I went with him to get gas in The good ol' U.S.A. Then for a second week in a row we went to Pulp comics for their toonie tuesday sale. I picked up a walking dead comic and the first issue of the new fantastic four. Spiderman is a member now and has a really lame white costume. We took another trip to the freezing cold/dirty flea market store and watched master hagler Rob in action, He talked the dealer down in price on a bunch of stuff and got him to throw in a comic and spiderman doll for free for me. It was awesome.

Rob and i picked up Diana and headed home. Kath was feeling a little better. Since we were all off and Diana had been a good girl we decided to go catch a movie. We surprised Diana with the movie Hop. It was pretty good.

We had an awesome hamburger supper and watched more tv. Great day indeed.

Sunmming up the first week

Ok so i just completed my first week of real work. When i say that i mean my training has completed and now I'm trying to put that training to good use. So what are my thoughts? Well apparently Sundays and Mondays are gonna suck there. First of all I'm still pissed i have to work Sundays in the first place. Sundays are crazy busy--call after call all day and hardly anyone is there. Hooray.

Mondays are no better and all the calls are technical. Not a whole lot of billing issues. Oh yeah and a lot of dealers from our various stores call in and i would say about 90 percent of them are assholes. Which brings me to the worst call i've had so far which did involve a dealer.

So the other day on Monday a dealer called in and told me to disconnect one of two lines on a customers account. He gave me the telephone number and i canceled it then disaster struck. The whole account canceled and i couldn't bring the account back.Turned out it was some weird glitch in the system. So immediately panic set in. I got a manager who told me that i would have to start a brand new account. I went back and told the dealer this and the dealer totally went off on me and demanded my supervisor. So the supervisor got on the phone after i explained what had happened and he totally backed me up. Unfortunately he got an earful from the dealer. The call lasted another hour and by the end the supervisor was so pissed he didn't want to talk about it anymore and left. So that was fun. I was paranoid to cancel anything for the rest of the night and i wanted to drink heavily. Funny enough i stayed positive the whole night and wasn't down on myself. Crazy i know. Oh well.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Holy crap--Thor cups!

Hey i forgot to mention that slurpee cup season started early this year! Those of you who have been following the blog know that we get really excited when the new movie tie in cups are released every summer. This past month cups from the upcoming marvel comics film Thor we're released! Not just slurpee cups--Big gulp cups too! We managed to get all 8 cups. We really should have a thor dinner party. We should buy some Thor helmuts and have a fancy party. I'm very tired

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Days off from stress

I'm not gonna lie. Its been awesome not working for 2 days. I am scarred to death to go back tomorrow. Yeah that's a really good positive attitude.

Yesterday Rob picked me up and we headed to pulp comics. On Tuesdays they sell stuff on the new rack for 2 dollars only. I found a justice League comic which would have been 5.99 but got it for 2 bucks. I love toonie tuesdays! We confirmed with the owner Paul that he would be appearing on Get Your Geek On in May to promote free comic book day. Its gonna be cool. We've wanted him on the show since last year. The guy is a walking comic book encylopedia. Can't wait.

We also checked out Mostly comics and a store that sells a lot of cool stuff that you find at flea markets. Messy store but wanna go back and get some spiderman dolls and comics. We went to z-11 and Rob bought me a big gulp complete with Thor cup. Then we picked up Diana and came here to watch Stargate Universe. It was a cool afternoon.
Today rained. I was actually gonna take a walk with my ipod but because of the weather that fell through. Still i was happy to be here and not sweating and being confused at work. When Kath came home this afternoon we hung out for a bit and went and got this weeks comics. The day is over and i'm dreading tomorrow. Hopefully things will be ok. Ya gotta have hope right? Man i hope i can do 5 days in a row of work. Argh.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sweaty, frustrated Jay

Well here i sit on Tuesday my new day off. I just worked my first 2 shifts that didn't involve training. Yup i was pretty frustrated. Last week things were good. I was starting to feel more confident and my call time was coming down. I thought i was starting to get the hang of the technical calls. Sunday and Monday was rough. Calls weren't going my way. My tech calls sucked. I wasn't able to solve anyones issues. I think i may have disconnected a guys account in error as well. Oh and i sweat a lot. I realized that when i am nervous i sweat buckets.

I spent the night feeling (for lack of a better word) dumb. I didn't feel comfortable once yesterday. I pretty much ran out of there at 10. Kath says its going to take a while to come to me but i need it to come to me now. Keeping that in mind i am still gonna go in everyday and give it my all. I might want to dust off the ol'resume though--just saying. Oh well its a new day and i;m going to try and compose myself and be ready to go on Thursday.

Hanging out with the kid

Hey folks. Yesterday while walking Diana to school i ran into Rachel. She mentioned that i needed to blog again. I think i have a few blogs in me today. One sad and one happy. Lets start with the happy one.

Saturday was pretty great. It was the last saturday that I'm going to have off for awhile. I got to sleep in and spend the day with Diana. I was still in training hours last week so i was only seeing Diana in the morning when i took her to school--40 minutes a day tops. Poor kid would fall asleep on the couch waiting for me to come home from work. I would wake her and carry her upstairs to go to sleep in her room. It really sucked.

Saturday was cool. We walked to Macdonalds for lunch and then went to value village to buy a kids book based on the superman cartoon of the 90's. Diana and i watched that whole series on dvd last year. The book was only a dollar! i couldn't believe it. We picked up some chocolate and came home and watched some cartoons we had taped and played some games. She was really good all day.

Did i mention that Diana is getting really awesome with her reading? She read me a whole comic book the other day. It was so cool and I'm so proud of her. She's growing up way to fast. I can't believe she's gonna be 6 next month. Where does the time go?

Anyhow Saturday rocked but Sunday was coming my first non training day on the floor and i was pretty nervous. More on that later.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Much music =no videos

Hey there. I'm in day 2 of a great mood at work. Hope it continues. On an unrelated topic, when i was walking home from taking Diana to school something popped into my head. I really miss music videos. I'm not sure why that thought popped into my head. Maybe its because i sat Duran Duran on a talk show singing Rio. By the way how is it that their first album came out 30 years ago? Yeah i don't feel old or anything.

So i was just remembering that in the 80's even before much music and mtv there used to be at least a half a dozen shows that would play music videos. I remember coming home from school and watching Toronto Rocks and video Hits. It was always cool seeing a new video from Bily Joel or Huey Lewis or whoever i was into. Late at night on Fridays there was friday night videos and good rockin tonight. I remember seeing my first springsteen video on friday night videos in 1984 and i've been a fan ever since.

Nowadays you can really only see videos online on places like you tube. A lot of my favorite singers don't make videos anymore. Much music barely plays videos anymore. Makes me feel sad.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A good night at work

Hey figured I'd blog while I'm still in a good mood. Last night work was really awesome. None of my calls were too complicated and the calls were shorter than usual. Everything seemed to go my way and i didn't doubt myself once. I still have 4 training days on the floor left so I'm going to work my ass off. My first non training shift on the floor will be next Sunday. I'm going to try to continue to be positive and try to get my work stats down. So fingers crossed,hoping to have another good day today.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sad On April Fools Day

Happy April Fools day. I can't wait for the weekend. My mood has been up and down all week. The technical calls are starting to frustrate me. I'm new to them and they take me anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. Not cool if you're trying to get your stats down. I know its too early to be thinking about stats but if i don't get my stats down I'm not going to get a shift i want in 3 months when there's a new shift bid. I want to get some days off when i'll actually be able to see my family. Not to mention the fact I don't want to be fired.

The billing stuff is coming really easy to me as is making changes to an account. I went onto work yesterday in a great mood. The first half of my shift was really awesome. Then i took my lunch break and came back to really long technical questions. My last call was an hour long and i was the last person on the floor. I got halfway home and realized i didn't note the account properly. Yeah i know these are little mistakes and its only my first week on the floor but i'm really getting down and starting to think i can't do the job. Kath told me to relax and i really am trying. Today is a new day so I'm gonna try and go in there with a positive attitude. I do thank Kath for being my rock.

On top of feeling sad i now have a cold. I ran out of kleenex half way through my shift so i had to use napkins. That felt really good on my nose. Anyhow gonna try and nap for a couple of hours. I'll blog soon.