Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sunmming up the first week

Ok so i just completed my first week of real work. When i say that i mean my training has completed and now I'm trying to put that training to good use. So what are my thoughts? Well apparently Sundays and Mondays are gonna suck there. First of all I'm still pissed i have to work Sundays in the first place. Sundays are crazy busy--call after call all day and hardly anyone is there. Hooray.

Mondays are no better and all the calls are technical. Not a whole lot of billing issues. Oh yeah and a lot of dealers from our various stores call in and i would say about 90 percent of them are assholes. Which brings me to the worst call i've had so far which did involve a dealer.

So the other day on Monday a dealer called in and told me to disconnect one of two lines on a customers account. He gave me the telephone number and i canceled it then disaster struck. The whole account canceled and i couldn't bring the account back.Turned out it was some weird glitch in the system. So immediately panic set in. I got a manager who told me that i would have to start a brand new account. I went back and told the dealer this and the dealer totally went off on me and demanded my supervisor. So the supervisor got on the phone after i explained what had happened and he totally backed me up. Unfortunately he got an earful from the dealer. The call lasted another hour and by the end the supervisor was so pissed he didn't want to talk about it anymore and left. So that was fun. I was paranoid to cancel anything for the rest of the night and i wanted to drink heavily. Funny enough i stayed positive the whole night and wasn't down on myself. Crazy i know. Oh well.

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