Wednesday, May 4, 2011

no work makes jay a happy boy

Its kind of cold today and i've spent the morning cleaning up cat vomit--still beats the alternative of being at work. So as i mentioned last week there was a power outtage.This was due to a tornado like wind. All night the wind was blowing,knocking down fences and uprooting trees. We were without power for a day and cable and internet for 3 days. I shouldn't bitch because i know some people that were still out on Monday. I'm just glad a tree didn't fall on our house.

So just chilling--trying to find some stories for the show next week. Not finding a lot of stuff for some reason.

Hot Amy is coming over later to cut my hair. I'm at the stage now where my stupid hair is curling up around my ears. I hate that.

If its not raining will probably take Diana to macdonalds for supper--they have batman toys in their happy meals! Yeah i am such a geek i know.

Anyhow thats about it for now. Have a great day

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