Saturday, January 24, 2009

Full Moon Fever

Just got back from work. It Was an extremely long day. I swear theres a full moon on Saturdays as thats when the most f'ed up people call in to yell and give me a headache. Today was no exception. To the guy who called me a pussy. Do you really think i won't end the call for that? Really? And you called me that after i said i would hang up if you wouldnt tone down the language? Really? Are You serious? Oh I'm sorry let me help you after you've personally attacked my character and made offensive comments about the mentally challenged. To the douchebag who said he was going to contact the president of the company and report me because i wouldnt waive a fee for taking his payment. Really? I gave you four options where you can pay your bill for free. Oh and you demanded i waive the fee because you are unable to pay on line and i advised who you could contact to fix this but you flat out refused? Oh my God are you serious? Oh you demanded i do it whilst yelling at me? Ok since you asked so nicely sure why not. After all you have "connections" to talk to our president directly. I'm sure he gives a rats ass we wouldnt waive a charge to take a payment. Man i took about 100 calls like this today. The whole time i heard Adam Sandler singing "Somebody Kill Me Please!" from the Wedding Singer. I swear i want to meet the guy who coined the phrase "the customer is always right" and flat out punch him square in the nuts.


Kat said...

hi there, i used to work at sitel for a good 3 years then "graduated" to nucomm and have recently left (for another call center : ( ) anyways i read ur blog because i like to check out what st catharines has to offer for entertaining, and *thumbs up* to u, however reading this particular entry made me shudder as only cox comm could recieve such horrid calls from complaining customers...albeit funny, scarey to read. thought id let u no u gave me night terrors : ) lol

Jay said...

sorry about the night terrors. if it helps i still have nightmares about when i worked at kfc--and that was over ten years ago.