Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Is it a rule that Monday's have to suck?

 What a long ass horrible day. Man it was a stressfest today. It never let up for a minute. I'm really sick of hearing how everyone thinks they should get everything for free. I can't believe the ammount of people that are surprised and pissed off when they get there first bill and see they were charged for installation. I've had cable over 20 years and I've gotten service at different apartments. I've never been shocked to see that i was charged to have a technician come out to install service.

 Anyhow my crappy day disappeared when i got home and got  hugs from Kath and Diana. Kath gave me some good news as well. We heard back from the guy from Buffalo con and we ma have a table there in October. He's giving us a discount on a table and we may be doing a show from there. Kath is already coming up with ideas. I can't wait, It put me in an amazing mood and i needed that after work.

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