Monday, June 25, 2012

Monday morning musings

Well its the last week in June. I hope it goes well. I hand in my shift bid form today. I'll find out the good or bad news later in the week. Lets just hope i don't get a 10 hour shift so i don't have to murder someone. It's Monday so i'm guessing it'll be crazy busy in there today. Just want to go back to bed. Sleep is my friend.
  Had a pretty good show last night. Kath's friend Kate was on for the first time. She really knows her stuff. Already planning the next show. We are seriously thinking about  getting a table at Buffalo con in October. The tables arent that expensive. Would be cool to put the word out in America.

We got our tickets for Barney Bentall at the old Winery for July 18th. Third year in a row. Can't wait. Of course i turn 43 a week after that. I can wait  for that.
 Thats all i got for now. I'm gonna go eat my pop tarts and get ready for another fun filled day of work.

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