Saturday, June 30, 2012

Niagara Falls comic con

Holy crap its the last day of June. That month flew by.One story i forgot to write about was our experience at Niagara Falls comic con a few weeks ago. It started off shitty but by the end of the day we had a blast.

So a bit of back story. Two people put on the con. Our friend Paul and another guy named Chris. Unfortunately it was Chris we had to deal with. So a few months before the con a website went up for the show. There was a section where you contact contact Chris if you were media and try and  get press passes. We didn't think this would be a big deal because
A) we get press passes to wizard world every year and they are one of the biggest cons in north america. They contact us now every year and ask us if we want tickets,
B) we had a table at the first smaller niagara falls con and broadcast a show from there.We were already hyping the new con on our show for a few months

Turned out it wasn't so easy
Chris wrote back with a million questions on what made us qualified to get press passes. He practically made us jump through hoops. He advised us if we were selected than we would only get 1 press pass. This kind of sucked because there was  kath and i and Rob. We got 4 every year from wizard world.  Anyhow weeks and weeks and weeks went by. We didn't hear back from Chris. We wanted to know how many tickets we needed to buy 1 or 2 and this would be determinned if we got our press pass. We ran into Paul at the fun expo star wars show and he was selling tickets. We explained the press pass situation to him. He immediately called Chris who announced that get your geek on was on the media list. So we bought a ticket and didn't question it.

  So the day of the con arrived and we were really looking forward to it. Robert Picardo from Star Trek was going to be there and so was burt ward from batman and  several other celebrities. We never heard back on whether or not we would be allowed to interview everyone and we didn't push our luck. Rob actually volunteered to help out. He was working the front door when we arrived. When we got there we were impressed. It was at a new venue called the scotia bank convention centre. There were lots of people dressed up. It was going to be a great day. Then disaster struck. I made my way to the media booth to get my press pass. Shouldn't be to tough. We were there when Paul called Chris. Chris confirmed we were on the list. Here is the conversation i had with the nice lady at the desk
Nice lady : What is the name the pass is under?
Me: Train rek Radio
NL: sorry its not here
Me: oh it might be under Get Your Geek on,
NL : no sorry
Me starting to get pissed : jason stewart?
NL:its not that one either
So lets sum up. Good  ol' Chris had royally f'ed us and left us off the list. Lucky for me the lady was really nice and still gave us a pass. She had me sign the media list and it was less than a page long. Had Chris screwed other media? I went back to Chris and i was fuming. It took me about an hour to calm down.  What did calm me down was seeing  a lot of my friends, Just about everyone  who had ever been on Get Your Geek on was there. Our friend Kristen was there. She had a booth and was selling her geek jewellery. Kath bought an Avengers one of a kind necklace she had made. Hunter was with her and of course we talked comics and other assorted geeky stuff. Our friend John Bulmer also had a booth and he was drawing some awesome artwork as usual. He was actually handing out our business cards and gygo  even appeared on his banner. At least someone remembered our name.

 We saw a lot more of our friends and soon we were joined by my friend of 30 years John Merry and his son Nick. It was john's first con and that was really exciting.We walked around for a bit. It was at this point that Rob texted me and asked if i wanted to come to the Robert Picardo q and a. I'm a huge stargate fan so of course i wanted to be there. It was really entertaining. He told stories of his days on stargate and star trek voyager. He played some comedy videos. He read poetry and sang. It was so cool. Had a blast. Definitely a highlight.

 I should note that we saw Paul a lot that day. Usually he was running and working his ass off.I know he wanted to make the day a huge success. He wanted to put Niagara Falls on the map as far as conventions were concerned. On the other hand anytime we saw Chris all he did was shake hands and pose for pictures while it seemed that Paul did all the heavy lifting. Despite being angry  at the start of the day we had a fun time and i really hope that the con continues and gets bigger and better. We thank Paul for all his hard work.

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