Thursday, May 27, 2010

see ya lost and 24

So watched 2 great series finales this week-- Lost and 24. Both great shows that I'm gonna miss.

24 ended with Jack Bauer having to leave the country. The U s and Russian governments were after him due to all the murders he comitted this season. I think he should come to Canada and work where i work. He wouldnt take any shit from customers. Anyhow there's a 24 movie in the works so we havent seen the end of Bauer.

Lost also ended this week. Kath and i cried like babies through the whole thing. All season there had been an alternate timeline where the plane didnt crash and everyone had different lives. Turns out this sideways world was kind of like purgatory and was a place where all the losties would meet up once everyone had died and move on to the afterlife. It was very moving and a great way to bring back past cast members and give the show a great send off. I couldnt stop thinking about the finale for days after it ended.

So Kath and i lost 2 great shows. Not a whole lot of good action dramas left on the air. Oh well at least we have Smallville for one more year.

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