Monday, June 14, 2010

Mondays you never cease to suck

Well today started out lousy. Tossed and turned all night.Kept waking up. Diana actually woke up at 6:am and got dressed for school. She was only 6 hours early.

So i woke up and hauled ass to work. At 10:00 we get an email stating we were gonna start taking calls from 3 new markets--starting at 11. Gee thanks for the heads up. That hour to prepare was awesome. Let me tell you about the calls from the new markets. They are just as rude and ignorant. i had one lady call us all a bunch of whores because she forgot to call to cancel hbo after her free year of service ended. It dragged on all day and never let up. To put it simply it sucked.

Just sitting here now listening to some tunes,figuring out some stuff for the show and waiting for the family to get home.
Got a newletter from our complex. They are going to fix the hole in the fence which means i will have to walk way out of my way to get home. I'm super excited for that. Wish my week was over already. Oh well. Hoping the next 2 days go by super fast so i can get to my next day off. Anyhow i'll be back tomorrow to complain some more. Until then have a great evening.

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