Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sick world we live in

Hey welcome to June. Sorry to start the month off on a down note but i am feeling angry. Yesterday there was an article in the paper about some idiots that had broken into Happy Rolphs petting zoo and bird sanctuary. Apparently these individuals were a bunch of sick fucks. They killed some of the animals,injured a few others and stole a baby goat. I just about cried when i read the article. We've been going there for years and walking around looking at the animals. Its a really nice place that i like visiting with my wife and daughter.

y seriously hope the cops find the idiots that did this and beat the living shit out of them. I hope they get thrown in a prison and asked to bend over in the shower for the soap by a 400 pound inmate. I cant begin to understand why these assholes did what they did but i hope they are castrated. Whats wrong with some people? ANyhow thats it for now.

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