Friday, August 6, 2010


Another highlight of my life occurred on Sunday night. Kath and i got to interview Townsend Coleman. Who you may ask? He's a talented voice actor on many animated features. Some of his roles include Michaelangelo on The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and of Course the Tick. The tick was a series in 1994 that i loved that featured a hero dressed like a tick and his sidekick Arthur who dressed like a moth. Arthur was voiced by Mickey Dolenz of the music group The Monkees.

The interview came about in a funny way. Our friend Amy who works at the same day job as Kath took a call from a customer and she recognized his voice. She mentioned we had a show and he was kind enough to pass along his email address.

So last Sunday we called him live from the show hoping to get a 15 minute interview and he wowed us with stories for almost an hour! He occasionally broke into the voices of his characters and we all sat there with our mouths open--just geeking out. He even told a story about how Mickey Dolenz introduced him to the internet back in 1993.

It was an incredible experience. I think our interviewing skills are getting a lot better and was pleased with how it went. I can't wait until fan expo later this month to try my hand at some more interviews.

So thanks to Mr Coleman for the wonderful interview and a big thanks to Amy for setting it up.

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