Sunday, December 12, 2010

Saturday woes

Just want to take this space to thank Rob and our friend Ken for being cool. Last night we recorded an episode of get your geek on. It ended up going til midnight. I blame my day job. Every Saturday without fail it gets dead and i get sent home an hour to an hour and a half early early. I always take that as a reward for putting up with the shit i do. So its been that way for at least 6 months. So i figure ok I'll ask the guys to record after work. I'll get out early and we'll get an early start. Yeah that didn't happen. So despite it being even deader than usual, i wasn't allowed to leave until after 7:30. I think between 6 and 7;30 i may have taken a whole 3 calls. The people around me were just as busy.I was pissed. I think we finally got started recording after 9. So thanks Rob and Ken for putting up with me and the late start. I really appreciate it

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