Thursday, June 30, 2011


Fun time is over. I'm off to bed and then its back to the old grind. The good news its just 3 more days of the current schedule and then i'm off on Saturdays and Sundays. I'm hoping to get a new manager to. Someone who will actually talk to me. Anyhow I'll see you guys when July hits. I have a feeling July is gonna rule. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Another day off!

Its Wednesday and just getting a little work in. Trying to prepare a show for Sunday and blogging a little bit. It's also Diana's last day of kindergarten. I walked her in to school today and noticed everyone in her class had stuffed animals. I asked her about it ans she was supposed to bring in a stuffed animal to celebrate the last day with. She forgot to tell us. Diana almost burst into tears until i promised i would go home and bring something back. Man my heart started to break and i felt myself tearing up. I kept it together and brought a stuffed tiger back and dropped it off at the school office for her. The secretary seemed a little bitchy about it which pissed me off. Oh well.

Rob is coming by a bit later and we're going to record some commercials for the upcoming convention. Should be fun. Kath is getting new business cards put together and we're gonna pe handing those out at the show. Man i can't wait. I only have to get through one more shitty week of work to get there. Anyhow back to working on the show. Have a great day.

Awesome day off with kstew

I had the best day yesterday. First of all any day i don't have to work automatically kicks ass. The last couple of days at work have been super stressful. So i was very happy to not be there. Kath had the day off as well. So she got to go with Rob and I on what we call our man dates. We got our usual dollar pops from Macdonalds and went to Pulp comics for the great toonie Tuesday. We picked up some books and chatted to Paul the owner for a bit and he will be on the show this Sunday. The con in niagara falls is about 10 days away. It's going to be very cool.

In the afternoon Kath and i finally got to see the movie Green Lantern. It's based on a dc comic book and it stars Ryan Reynolds. Because of my stupid work schedule I've had to wait 2 weeks to see it. It's getting a lot of bad press and i don't understand it, The film entertained me and i liked it a lot.

We capped the night off with dinner at wimpys in Niagara Falls. Their burgers kick ass. Kath had a coupon and we only had to pay 6.00 in total. I liked it.

Wrapped up the evening with a visit from Rob and Nickle and then i had cake--and it wasn't even my birthday. Time off rules.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Got something to live for

I just found out today that i got July 20th off!! why is that important? Barney Bentall is coming back to town! we just found out he is playing at the old winery in niagara on the lake--the same place we saw him last July. It is going to kick so much ass. It's a week before i turn 42. That i can do without. The concert should be awesome though. We should be hearing ticket prices soon. Good times! July is going to tock

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Bruce Willis shooting people and swearing is the cure for the blues at work

Wow after 2 years at work i finally got one of my wishes. Not sure if any of you remember but back in the day work used to play the stupidest cartoons and movies on a big screen on Saturday mornings with no sound. I always half joked--if there's no sound then why not play Die Hard? Well finally my dream came true.

In the middle of my crappy shift i looked up to see Bruce Willis and Samuel L Jackson running down a new York street. Die Hard 3! when i went on my break and got closer to the screen i noticed there was sound. Not only that it was the uncut version. It was not the edited for tv version with the famous line 'yippee ki ay mister falcon'. What does that even mean?

Unfortunately the film was shut of just as John Mclane arrived on the ship later in the film. For awhile there though life was good.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Work is a drag

Man what a complete shitty shift i had tonight. It was non stop crazy busy. My last call ended up being over 40 minutes and kept me there 20 minutes past 10 when i should have been going home.

Let me share with you my favorite customer. A customer so wise that he didn't realize he had to pay his bill every month. You know like any normal bill. When i told him his service had been completely disconnected because he hadn't paid since April he relied that it was bullshit and that when he set up service he should have been told he had to pay every month. Um hello its common sense asshole. This is what i had to deal with all night.

I fear the saturday shift will suck just as much. Our company is offering a 200 dollar credit to any new customer who signs up tomorrow only. Its going to busy as hell. They already tried to get me to work 12 hours. No thanks 9 and a half hours is plenty.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Shift bid

I love waking up to pouring rain. Good times. Lucky for me Kath was still here to drive Diana and i to school. At least there were no jen garner dreams today

Hey i forgot to mention that the shift bid was actually ok. I'll be working 4:30 in the afternoon until 1 in the morning. I know that seems like a crazy shift but there are a lot of pluses with working it. I get weekends off. I'll get 2 days off a week with Kath instead of zero. I won't have to wake up early this summer. I can still go to tooney Tuesday with Rob. I can do my show live every Sunday. I don't have to book a million days off of work anymore. Oh and i will get an extra 75 cents an hour and it's really dead at night. So the new shift starts July 3. This also means that i don't have to call in sick to go broadcast from the Niagara Falls convention. So i really have no complaints about the new shift. The job still sucks but no complaints about the hours.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Damn you Jen Garner!

What a craptacular start to my day. Kath went to work at 7. I said goodbye and rolled over and went back to sleep. I then went on to have a dream where a very naked Jennifer Garner and i were in bed together. Now in the dream all she wanted to do was talk about her show Alias. I kept waiting for something exciting to happen. Then Greg Grunberg showed up in the dream. Then i woke up--thankfully before a possible devils three way might have occurred. Then i realized it was 8:39. I should have been up at 8 and 8:40 is when Diana should have been starting school. So not only does Jennifer Garner not do anything but yap about her show but i was also going to get the kid to school late.

Lucky for me Diana was cool about getting up and dressed. As we were running out the door we got really lucky and my friend Rach picked us up and took us to the school. We got there and i went to the office and got Diana a late slip and got her to class.

Hitler Parade

So just a quick observation about work. We had our reading privileges revoked. No more reading books or comics or magazines between calls or when it gets dead. Apparently its too distracting and we should be concentrating on our work information. Putting up sporting events on a big screen on the wall is ok though. By no means is tv distracting. Last night there were no sporting events on so what did the geniuses put on the screen? The next best thing. A documentary on Hitler. I kid you not. I looked up after reading work stuff on the computer and i see Hitler in a parade for some reason. It's ironic because the whole no reading thing reminds me of Nazi Germany. But thats just me.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Rest in peace Big man

I was saddened tonight to hear about the loss of E Street band member Clarence Clemons. The man was an awesome saxophone player and i loved hearing him play on hits like Born To Run and Jungleland. You will be missed Big man.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hooray for nervous stomach

Its almost 10 pm Wednesday. Starting to get that sick feeling in my gut. That can only mean one thing --it's back to work tomorrow. I had a couple of awesome days off and now its back to doom and gloom. The tech stuff still isn't coming to me and my phone times suck. On top of all this we had a shift bid. Apparently there is one every 3 months. I didn't like doing them once a year with the cable company i sure as hell ain't gonna like it every 3 months. Because my phone times suck i may not get a shift i like. There were 71 choices. The only thing i have going for me--everybody wants saturday and sunday off--i don't. I prefer tuesday off and getting out early on sunday. The other thing is that out of 71 slots--there were only 7 that would prevent me from doing my show live on Sundays. With my shitty luck i will get one of those 7 shifts.

Other stuff annoying me about work--I've now had 3 managers in 2 months--and only 2 one on one meetings between them. I heard my manager is a by the book manager but i wouldn't know as she hasn't said 2 words to me in 3 weeks. I'm trying hard to keep my times down i really am. I really hate going to work. I hate feeling sick to my stomach. Anyhow that's enough ranting. Kath just got home and i'm going to go enjoy my last few hours of freedom.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Listen to the band

Saturday was an epic day. I booked the day off and Kath and i went to the falls view casino to see the Monkees. For those of you living under a rock in the 1960's The Monkees was a popular tv show and rock and roll band. There were 4 guys in the band Michael Nesmith, Peter Tork, Micky Dolenz and Davy Jones. They have had a few reunion tours in the last 25 years minus Nesmith who actually went on to become a successful businessman.

Here's where i start to feel old. They had a massive reunion tour in 1986 for their 20th anniversary. Their show was being re broadcast everywhere amd their original 9 albums from the 60's had been re released. Thats when i got into their stuff. That means I've been a fan for 25 years. My favorite member of the band was Nesmith. I just really liked his songs a lot and in the 90's managed to track down almost all of his solo material. I finally got to see the band in 1996 and it was an awesome show.

So fast forward to 2011 and the band is celebrating its 45th anniversary. There had been some tensions within the band over the last 10 years. Tork left the band in 2001. Jones and Dolenz stopped performing together shortly after that. We were pretty sure they were done. Earlier this year it was announced that Tork, Dolenz and Jones would reunite. Kath and i bought tickets right away at a reasonable price.

The night of the show finally came. We went a few hours early to go to the all you can eat buffet at the casino. I pigged out on desserts. We gambled 20 dollars at the slot machines. It was 8 o clock so we went to the theater. I like that theater there isn't a bad seat in the house. They have pictures all over the place of past performers and i had to laugh at the picture of Vicky Lawrence dressed as mama from mamas family,

The show started at 9. It was pretty cool. I couldnt believe how awesome these guys were. Micky played drums a lot. He didn't drum at all at the concert in 1996. They did a few nesmith songs as well. All through the show they played old clips from the show behind them. Here is what they played
I’m A Believer
Mary, Mary
The Girl I Knew Somewhere
When Love Comes Knockin’ (At Your Door)
Randy Scouse Git
Your Auntie Grizelda
Papa Gene’s Blues
That Was Then, This Is Now
She Hangs Out
All Of Your Toys
What Am I Doing Hangin’ ‘Round
Sometime In The Morning
Someday Man
As We Go Along
Long Title: Do I Have To Do This All Over Again?
Porpoise Song (Theme From Head)
Daddy’s Song
For Pete’s Sake
A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You
Cuddly Toy
Goin’ Down
It’s Nice To Be With You
Last Train To Clarksville
I Wanna Be Free
Saturday’s Child
(I’m Not Your) Steppin’ Stone
Daydream Believer
Listen To The Band
Pleasant Valley Sunday
I’m A Believer
(Theme From) The Monkees

The only sucky thing is they had to cut the show short. They had been doing a 2 and a half hour show--with an intermission but i guess there is different rules when playing at a casino so it was done after an hour and a half. I don't feel ripped off or anything because they played over 30 songs and it was really entertaining. They did a few songs that they have never performed live before and that was really cool. I'm happy Kath got to finally see them and i hope they play somewhere close that isn't a casino so we can see the full show.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Old friends

The other day when Rob and i were getting groceries in the good ol' U S of A. i ran into my friend Andrea. It was cool seeing her but reminded me that i have kind of lost touch with a lot of my friends. It's no fault of anyone really. All of us work really weird hours. It makes me feel sad actually. I can't even remember the last time i hung out with Andrea--maybe 2 years ago? We've been friends for over 2 decades now. We've since e mailed and we are going to try really hard to make it to a movie this summer. Maybe once my shift bid goes through in early July i will have some good days off every week and i can make time to see my friends. It sure would be nice.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Finally some good news

Yesterday Kath and Rob and i reeived some awesome news

Get Your Geek On has been asked to broadcast live from the first Niagara Falls comic convention next month in July. We'll have a booth and be doing interviews and having giveaways.

Paul from Pulp Comics messaged us and he and some others are putting together the event. I'm so excited. This could be a big opportunity for us. Rob and i are already coming up with ideas for the con. I have even started work on getting music for the event--downloaded some star gate and batman and indiana jones soundtracks. Its gonna be so cool.

Needless to say I'm in my first good mood in weeks. I am so stoked. Its about time some good news came our way.

Green What now?

My favorite quote from yesterday. Rob and i were in the states to pick up his son Connor from the airport. We stopped at Subway for lunch. The Subway in America is doing the fast food tie in for Green Lantern. They have Green Lantern cups and reusable green friendly lunch bags. Here's my conversation with one of the staff.

Me: Hi. What do i need to buy to get the Green Lantern stuff?

Confused girl: which stuff?

Me: The Green Lantern stuff.

sub lady: What's that?

Me: well you have bags with his picture and cups.

Then i almost added sarcastically- you know the picture of the super hero thats all over your establishment

She finally got it, You'd think the staff would be trained on their own promotions. Thats just me i guess.

The Douche Knight Returns

So hooray for me. Apparently I'm gonna get the same speech from my neighbor Batman every year. I'll refresh your memory--He insists that mice are living amongst my pine needles in the back yard. Last year he was convinced rodents were living in my back yard and i should pull weeds everyday and sweep pine needles. I did that a lot last year and didn't see anything. Also why does he insist on looking in my back yard all the time? Mind your own business. Go back to waiting for the mother ship to arrive you scientologist ass.

He was also trying to talk to me in the middle of that rain storm last week--the one where i was bailing water during our show. I got kind of short with him--to be fair i would have gotten short with anyone at that time. He made a point of bringing this up to Kath later in the week. Gee sorry i was trying to not get hit bu lightning and dint feel like a conversation with you. Why don't you go back to patrolling the park with your Bat.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Yay longer hours

My first 9 and a half hour doing cell phone support. What a long friggin day. I'm going to bed now. That's all i got.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Stupid rain

Seriously what the hell is up with this rain? I already don't wanna go in to work. I just wanna go back to bed. Yesterday was so boring--couldn't read and none of my friends were there to talk with. The good news is the basement isn't flooding this time. Next week i get to work an extra hour everyday. That's fair. Three more days and i get a couple of days off. I'm also off next Saturday to go see the Monkees with Kath. I have some stuff to look forward to this week i just have to get through some shitty shifts. Can it be Tuesday now please?

Friday, June 3, 2011

More work goodness.

First blog of June and can't say that i'm happy. I just found out that for the time being my work is going to make us work 44 hours a week instead of 40. Yay extra time to feel dumb at work. We were recently told we arent allowed to read books on the floor anymore as well. So yay extra time at work and can't read my comics.

Oh and i just got my 3rd manager in a month and a half. I don't get that. Apparently the one i have now is a real stickler for the rules and likes to fire people. Hooray! i feel safe. My stats are less than stellar right now. I haven't been able to master a short call yet.

Oh and the people i talk to at work are on vacation so its gonna be a long week. Let's sum up--longer hours,no reading and no one to talk to. Can't understand why i don't wanna go back.