Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Damn you Jen Garner!

What a craptacular start to my day. Kath went to work at 7. I said goodbye and rolled over and went back to sleep. I then went on to have a dream where a very naked Jennifer Garner and i were in bed together. Now in the dream all she wanted to do was talk about her show Alias. I kept waiting for something exciting to happen. Then Greg Grunberg showed up in the dream. Then i woke up--thankfully before a possible devils three way might have occurred. Then i realized it was 8:39. I should have been up at 8 and 8:40 is when Diana should have been starting school. So not only does Jennifer Garner not do anything but yap about her show but i was also going to get the kid to school late.

Lucky for me Diana was cool about getting up and dressed. As we were running out the door we got really lucky and my friend Rach picked us up and took us to the school. We got there and i went to the office and got Diana a late slip and got her to class.

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