Sunday, February 15, 2009

Feet Deep In the Big Muddy

Is it wrong that i wished death to a kid i saw last summer? Let me explain. Behind our complex is a path that leads to a hole in the fence that leads to a parking lot. I cross the parking lot and am pretty much at work five minutes later. This is a simple routine unless it snows or rains. When that happens the path by the fence floods and takes days-sometimes weeks to dry up. I thought the situation was fixed last winter. A thoughtful person put a wooden skid by the opening in the fence. It was high enough to step on so that your shoes wouldnt get wet. It was all good. So last summer i remember two kids-probably skateboard kids because they are bastards- taking turns busting the skid into a million pieces. I remember at the time thinking "thats going to suck next winter." Man i hate it when I'm right. Fast forward to last week-or is that now a flashback? Lost has confused my brain. The snow melted as a result of it warming up outside. There of course is a major flood by the fence. Unfortunately that path is my fastest way to work. I found however that if you grab the fence and ease your way around then water damage is minimum. Yesterday however and caught my shirt and finger on the fence. My shirt and hand ripped and as my feet sank below the muddy water i wanted a bus to hit the kids that broke the skid last summer.Ok maybe i don't want the kids hurt. Just have their hands broken so they cant break anything else.

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