Monday, January 25, 2010

Douche of the day

The second half of my shift was awesome and by awesome i mean shitty. I got to talk to an insane old guy. He spent the first 10 minutes of the call bitching about our main menu. He was seriously pissed off. So much in fact that when i asked for his name he said it was angry andy. He wasnt joking. I then asked him for the name of the account holder.
"angry pam." he replied

" and her real name?" i stupidly asked? He told me and followed it up with
"can't you put 2 and 2 together and connect the dots?" i proceeded to continue to verrify his information
"ok can i have your pin # or the last 4 numbers of your social?"
" I don't go to socials."
"uh the last 4 numbers of the social security number?"
"thats not what you asked. Don't you know what a social is?" Meanwhile I've been asking like that for 8 years and never had an issue with someone confusing the info.
So i finally get into the account and he starts yelling and saying that every representative in the company is a liar. He wants to know the name of the person he talked to before me.
"we don't put our names on the account but we do note the account whenever you call in."
"what does note the account mean?"
"yeah I'm stupid."
"uh no one is calling you stupid sir." Meanwhile in my head I'm agreeing with the asshole.
"I am stupid i never went past grade one." Hmmm this explained a lot
"it means we put a note on your account anytime you call in."
So he starts going off because he has phone service and the account is in his wifes name and can't understand why the caller id also displays his wife's name.

"sir the account holders name is the name on the caller id."
"nobody told me that." Hmm how do i tell the guy its common sense? So he eventually hangs up and calls back and pretends he's his wife. Yes i followed his account for the rest of the day. What a maroon. Just another day at the office!

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