Tuesday, January 12, 2010

The fun never stops at my job

Hey gang. Yup ut was an awesome day at work today. Let me fill you in on the 2 most annoying customers i faced today.

Shitty customer #1

So i had a lady call in pissed off because her kid ordered 100 bucks in porn. She wanted me to tell her all the titles out loud. Seriously. Can't we just leave it at they were adult movies,here's the prices, the end? If that wasnt awesome enough. She made me repeat them a 2nd time. Here's an exerpt of the conversation

crackhead: " can you go over them again?"
me : I'd rather not
ch: Well if youre not comfortable telling me maybe we should get a supervisor involved
me: sigh, horny sluts......

the 2nd douchy customer

I think the conversation between the craziest old man and me is self explanatory

Old idiot: "i can't get to your web site to make a payment."
me: I have an automated telephone line i can connect you to
o i: {starts yelling) "have you ever tried to use that thing its not easy."
me: (being completely honest and not trying to be a dick)" i have used that line sir an to be honest i never had an issue."
o i "i guess some people think they're God."
me: (confused) "i never said i was God I'm saying i never had a problem wit that line"
o i: " i never said you were God!"
me: "ok I'm not sure what you're implying then."
o i : "damn you're sensitive"

me:" No not sensitive but..."

o i : "you must be sensitive or you wouldnt take offence being called sensitive."

so a few minutes go by and he starts to swear. I give him the old if the swearing continues i will hang up the phone speech.

o i : "swearing is a part of life young man. In 30 years you're gonna be swearing as much as me." With that the crazy bastard hung up. Good times!!

Yup just another day at the office. Hooray for me.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Man I would have LOVED those customers. I'd have HAPPILY read the names of the porn. LOUDLY!

When the second guy was implying I was god I'd have thanked him for noticing.

You'll manage Jay! you have us all behind you!