Sunday, March 22, 2009

For once a saturday doesnt suck ass

Wow I actually had a half descent Saturday for a change. I only talked to two idiots all day. One guy called in, was mad that the cheapest internet we offer is 19.99 and not 16.99. He wouldnt listen to what i had to say and kept repeating over and over again"i hear what you're saying I'm not retarded you know" Well you could have fooled me kind sir. This was the first Saturday after the shift bid and it seemed like we finally staffed enough people to handle the Saturday call volume. There were actually a couple of cool co workers for me to talk to between calls as well.Thus ends the first week of my new shift without me having to kill anybody. Oh and the best part of today? The winter lake has completely dried up and its not so muddy walking to work now. My feet sure appreciate it.

Friday was pretty awesome. We went to Rochester to visit Kath's family. It was our niece Char's 16th birthday. Holy lord God that makes me feel old. We went to lunch in a small town near Rochester named Brockport. Had a slice of one of the best pizzas i ever had and checked out a pretty cool comic book store. We bought a couple of books for Diana.It was cool seeing the fam again. Kath's parents were nice enough to watch the kid for us so we could go catch a movie. THe movie wsas "I Love You Man." It was pretty funny and I highly recommend it. We attended the film with one of our friends Rose. March has been pretty good for visiting friends. Thursaday night Nicole and Rob brought over a pie and hung out for a bit. Last weekend we had dinner with John and Rach and now we have seen Rose. I'm thinking of contacting Dennis and Lisa.. Who knows maybe I'll call Colin. Yeah maybe I'll just stick to calling Dennis and Lisa. Anyhow I think I've rambled on long enough. I'm gonna catch some sleep. I have a long day of laying on the couch and watching Batman cartoons ahead of me.

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