Sunday, June 7, 2009

Man I could have been soaking up the sun. Damn you alarm clock!

Here it is the start of a crappy new week. I'm very tired. Its my own fault. Stayed up late watching Tropic Thunder. Very funny movie by the way. Funnier than i thought it would be.

Saturday sucked large as usual. We're still getting cartoons shown for some unknown reason. Hey finally got to see a Bruce Willis movie at work. No it wasnt Die Hard it was Over the Hedge. It was followed by a plethora of Pixar movies. The movies are at least getting better, I still dont give a crap about seeing them at work. I would as pointed out a million and one times earlier still prefer to see my work station instead of working in the dark.

I knew the day was gonna be craptastic. At 7 in the morning i was having the most awesome dream until my stupid alarm clock woke me up. I dreamt i was in Sheryl Crows band and she was in the middle of thanking me on stage during a concert. Stupid alarm clock. I havent been this pissed off to wake up from a dream since the time i dreamt Jennifer Aniston agreed to have relations with me. She was just raising her shirt over her head when the phone rang. It was stupid Sears calling. I never have cool dreams. Why do the cool ones always get interupted? Oh sure i can sleep through the ones where people are shooting at me. Yay me.

Well good news. It seems I'm not going to be written up for my attitude on the phone last Tuesday. Now all i have to do is fake being nice to all customers. Yes even the stupid ones. It has been hard but so far I'm golden. I have had to bite my tongue but all is good. I have been thinking happy thoughts to try and get through the day. Customers swearing at me? No problem i just think about Diana singing her silly songs.

Yesterday was cool. We went to my sisters house for a visit. My sister was kind enought to make me hot dogs. Yay Atkins! I sure miss Pizza. Got to hang out with my nephew. I was trying to sell him on the comic convention this year.

Just got a notice that my landlady is replacing all the living room windows in the complex. Here's the crappy part,it will either be when im not here or i will have to wake up early on my day off. Hooray!

Man i gotta get my passport. Kath and Diana and Nickle went to the States without me to grocery shop on Saturday. I gotta tell you i actually felt left out. It was lonely being here all night by myself. Hell i even missed the arguements Nickle and i would get into whilst shopping. I think I'll be good to go in July. I may only miss out one one more trip. So thats ok. The girls discovered that there is Transformers cups at 7-11. Holy! THree movie cup tie ins in a row. Thats just crazy! They were sold out so we have not gotten any yet. Maybe there will be a Megan Fox cup. Growl.

Anyhow this has been Jay just rambling about anything. Have a great week folks!

1 comment:

Nickle said...

They're not arguments they are merely discussions where I raise my voice and we have to have the inevitable "We still cool man?" conversation, or we both get over it when I am dancing and singing with my cart in Wegmans.....

Jeezz you make me out to be some crazy lunatic you guys picked up one day and said "meh she'll do"

just kidding to quote an awesome movie title "I love ya Man"

word verifier: I am beginning to think they have no way of using random letters as today's looks like desert but no "r" and lots of S's, DESSESST