Friday, June 26, 2009

Not even the good kind of weed

So i pulled out all the tall weeds in my back yard. What do you think i found? A whole mouse colony!! Nah I'm kidding. I found nothing. Big friggin' surprise. I'm sorry my neighbor found a rodent in his home but screw him if he thinks they're from our yard. Weed pulling was great. I sweat a lot and felt like i was going to have a heart attack. Good times!

Other than that the day was pretty good. Spent the whole day with the family and showed Kath how to play lego Indy. She is also addicted to the game. We did a bit of shopping tonight. We hit the bulk barn and Walmart and Best Buy. By the way Best Buy is not the Best Buy. They are damn liars. All their movies are ridiculously overpriced. Season 4 of Stargate Atlantis is almost 50 bucks. The same set at Walmart was under 20 bucks. I'll probably pick it up next paycheck.

Tried to watch some movies tonight. Put on Leatherheads and Kath fell asleep. Then i put Hellboy 2 on and i fell asleep. Kooky. Well better get to bed i have a whole day of not pulling weeds ahead of me. Cheers!

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