Monday, June 29, 2009

He really was bad-and not in a good way

Ok as everyone knows by now Michael Jackson passed away last week, Did i want him to die? No. Am i all of a sudden going to change my tune and start saying that he was awesome? Uh uh. I wasn't a fan not even in the Thriller days when he was still black with a real nose. That being said i will list the few cool things i can think of having to do with the king of pop.

1) wouldnt have had a cool dance scene in the movie Clerks 2 without ABC by the Jackson five. Not sure MJ would have enjoyed Rosario Dawson jiggling in time to the music. Maybe if it was Webster. Yes i went there. And come on it had Jay and Silent Bob in pig tails lip syncing as well. Classic.

2} "Mattie Thriller!"--the cool Thriller dance scene in 13 going on 30 with Jennifer Garner. Although he was a prick and refused to let the song be on the soundtrack. Ok i will admit the original Thriller video was ok. Would have been awesome if he hadnt been in it.

3} He gave Sheryl Crow her first professional break. She was the back up singer on his Bad tour.

4} We wouldnt have gotten the Weird Al classics Eat it and Fat.

5) The song We are The World. It was for a great cause and it featured a lot of my favorite singers including Bruce Springsteen and Huey Lewis

3}the classic "Lisa its your birthday" song on the Simpsons. He also played a fat white bald man on the same episode

And thats about it. I still think he was a freak and will not change my opinion even though he is dead.

Now enjoy a bunch of pics that don't feature Michael Jackson

The end.

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