Thursday, June 11, 2009

The not as fat as he was 2 weeks ago hero of work.

Wow yesterday i was a hero at work. As mentioned earlier i got a 95 percent when the client listened in to my call. Yesterday every manager was coming up to me congragulating me, high fiving me and telling me how awesome i was. It was pretty sweet. It was like i was a rock star. It kind of made up for the rest of my shitty day. I'm still acting nice to everyone. Its kind of hard when i have senior citizens calling me an asshole as they hang up the phone. Thats right someone who may have been 100 years old said what an asshole as she was hanging up the phone. Oh and funniest porn title of the day? Three hole implosion. Man i love my job.

So this is the part where i talk about how awesome Kathy, Rachel and Nicole are. So i decided that after work yesterday i would walk to the comic book store downtown. I felt i could do it. I had an hour after work to get there. Wasnt sure when we would get there this week and a walk wouldnt hurt me as i am trying to lose some weight. SO at lunch i messaged Kath and told her of my plan. I didnt hear back so i figured she hadnt gotten the message. No problem. I actually got out of work 12 minutes early. Cool extra time to get there. I came home. Messaged Kath again. Still no response. Oh well. A walk will be cool. So i started off through the parking lot and immediately ran into Rachel who asked me if i wanted a ride. I said yes to her offer. When we got downtown she decided to wait for me, She is really nice. So i went into the store and went to pay for my books. By the way this was the first week there was a bag for Diana Stewart. I was proud. Little known fact if you try to pay with a bank card you havent used in 2 or 3 years-its not going to work and will come up as cancelled. Yeah i was a little embarrassed. Oh well. So left the books and got back into Rachels van. Oh well i would at least still beat Kathy home. So we were almost all the way home and all of a sudden Rach turns the van around. What was going on? It seems they had just passed Kath heading for downtown. I felt like an idiot. Hadnt counted on Kath getting home early and certainly didnt count on Rach following her,. We caught up to Kath and started honking. Kath didnt hear us. Finally got back to the comic book store and met Kath there. It seems she had also gotten off work early. She had actually gotten my messages and had already been to my work and home and had already been to the comic store once.Yes i felt really really bad,. Everyone was cool about what had happenned.I managed to get some books after all. When we got home Nickle was sitting here waiting for us. Yes i also felt bad for making her wait. Altough i had no idea she was coming over. Anyhow appologies to my wife and friends and sorry I'm such a dork.

This brings us to today. I'm enjoying day one of time off from the job. I woke up a bit early becasue I am still expecting some workers over to replace our windows. They probably wont get here until tomorrow morning. Rach says it takes them a little over an hour to do the job. Thats alright i guess. So stepped on the scale and I'm down anothr pound and a half on my diet. So that makes 7 and a half pounds lost in 2 weks. Not bad. That leaves about another 14 pounds until my goal. Kath is doing pretty good on her diet as well. She actually does the wii exercise everynight. I'm so proud of her.

Just waiting on the laundry to be done. I have no clean pants. I want to take Yammy to the park but can't go without pants. Well i could but probably just the one time.

Well the window guys have been next door for over 2 hours. Yay. I'm stuck here until they get here and do the job. If they arent here today then they will probably be here at 8:30 tomorrow morning. What a waste of a couple days off. I actually watched a whole movie while sitting here waiting. A gem of a 1984 movie called Buckaroo Banzai: adventures across the 8th dimension. Good stuff. Nothing like a rock star/brain surgeon who fights aliens with Jeff Goldblum. Anyhow I'm gonna go back to waiting. Hope everyone is having an awesome Thursday. Friggin window installers. Talk to you soon.

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