A lot of you don't realize this but I'm an author. As a matter of fact its the 20th anniversary of the novel i co wrote. Now you may be asking yourself was this novel ever published? The answer: no. In 1988-1989 Myself and my friends Colin and Scott decided we would chronicle our adventures. Our adventures of course back then consisted of drunken weekends out. Yes any time we went out and drank we would write a chapter about it. Where did we type up the novel? Why in our high school's computer room of course. I gotta be honest if anybody tried to read the thing they wouldnt get a lot of it. There is a lot of "in jokes." Yes 50 pages of in jokes about drinking,strip clubs and even an Eddie Money concert. We titled the thing "The Alchoholic Adventures Of The Three Amigos". Every couple of years i dust off the thing and re read it. It still makes me smile 20 years later. One memorable chapter recalls how one of the preppy kids wanted to be in our novel. We told him he couldnt be unless he drank with us. His reply? Ok I've never gotten drunks with skids before. We didnt take too kindly to being called skids. Colin decided if we were skids than we must be drug users as well. So we decided we would smoke a joint with this sockless kid who dared to call us skids. The thing was-we didnt do drugs. Colin poured some oregano into a bag and rolled it up with rolling papers. THe funny thing was? The kid swore to everyone he was stoned. Alrighty then. I can't believe i drank so much back in those days. It was crazy. At least i have a book to remember those times.
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