Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"Sam there's a 90 percent chance that you've travelled back in time to explain a cable bill to a slow redneck"

My Favorite customer quote today:
A customer got a 12 month discounted plan today that will last from april 2009 to april 2010. He wanted me to backdate it to last January when his last 12 month plan expired. To which i replied

"i'm sorry sir but I can't go back in time and add this plan to your January bill"
"Find me someone who can!"

Pardon my stupidity but i don't think Time travel has been invented yet. Sure customer I will get you over to Doc Brown and Marty McFly for a ride in their Deloreon. Or on line 2 i have Sam Beckett and his quantum Leap accelerator. Moron

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