Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Beautiful Side Of Somewhere

As its the last day of the month figured i'd mention some good and bad things happenning in my life this week. First of all i started a diet on Tuesday. I figured I would give Atkins another chance. It worked for me last year. If my scale isnt lying i lost 5 pounds so far. There was however a side effect i wasnt aware of before i started. I guess for the first five days or so its nothing but feeling tired and having headaches! For some reason i never experienced this last year. This time though is a different story. Until today i was feeling wiped out. Oh and the headaches were a joy. Especially on those days at work when the customers insist on hollering non stop. Oh well. I have a goal. I want to lose twenty pounds by the end of summer. I want to fit into some of my old concert t shirts. Kath is coming up with some kick ass Atkins recipes. I do miss pizza and cake tough. I love you cake.

Saturday at work was horrible as usual. This weeks cartoon was Bugs Bunny. It was a step up from some of the other crappy cartoons that have been played at work. I don't know how old the carttons were but for some reason Elmer Fudd was a fat f--k. Like Boss Hogg fat. The cartoons are still a lame idea. All i want to do when i'm not on calls is read. Oh and seeing my computer so i can do my job would be nice as well. Nothing really stands out in my mind today as far as unusual calls go. Just the usual bs. Just another day at the office.

This week starts the new passport law for crossing the border. I don't have a passport yet. However if i can aquire one by September i might get to attend a concert by the Wallflowers in Buffalo. That would be kind of sweet. My friend Stacey has expressed interest in going. Just checking the cd releases and the Wallflowers actually have a greatest hits coming out in June. Man i used to buy a lot of cd's. This would b only the second one i get this year. Nothing really appeals to me anymore. Theres also a new Cheap Trick cd out this month as well. Maybe it will be a summer of "Jay music" after all.

Had fun with Diana this week. She's getting good at pedalling the bike and catching a ball. The kid has talent. Gotta admit the diet kicked my ass and running around the park with Diana just about wiped me out. Had a proud moment this week. Diana got her own comic book card at the comic book shop. Now the store will save comics fo her in her own bag. My little nerd.

Looking forward to a lazy Sunday. Figured I'd flake out on the couch and watch movies with the fam. Kath wants Diana to see the movie Babe. Yes the talking pig movie. I've never seen it either. Kath loves it. We've seen some pretty cool movies this week. Fanboys, Run Fatboy run and Young People F'ing which funny enough is a comedy not a porno. We've recordede,purchased and downloaded a ton of movies in the last few months. Now that tv is in reruns we can catch up. Hooray!!

Well tomorrow starts another wonderful month. I'm not looking forward to working this week. Theres a big surprise. On Thursday I'm taking Diana to an open house for her new school. Man the fall will be here in no time and my little girl will be starting school. I still can't believe it. Makes me sad in a way. I know, I will quit my job and home school her! Nah i want my kid to actually be smart and not fail math every year. Oh well. Anyhow hope everyone is enjoying the weekend. Talk to you soon, See ya in June.

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