Friday, May 8, 2009

How many times can Jay friggin say the word glass

Well this week we picked up our first Star Trek glass. Not a plastic cup--an actual "glass" glass made out out of glass. It has a lovely picture of the new Captain Kirk on it. You don't see movie tie in glasses much anymore. The last time i can remember geting a set of movie drinking glasses was for Batman Forrever in 1995. That was pretty much the best thing that came out of that movie. So thinking about (wait for it) glasses got me thinking about an actual cool memory i have of my father. The year was 1980 and the Empire Strikes Back had just been released. I'm guessing i must have been watching Saturday morning cartoons or something and saw an ad for the Empire tie in at Burger King. They were offering for four weeks in a row, actual (you know I'm gonna say it again) drinking glasses. Man did i want to have a beverage out of drinking ware with Lando Calrissians face on it. Only problem? in 1980, believe it or not,there was no Burger King in St. Catharines. There was one in Niagara Falls though but who is gonna drive there every week for a new (cant think of a better word sorry) glass. My dad actually volunteered to take me out there every Sunday. So long story short-oh yeah i had many icy beverages out of my c3po (sigh) glass. It wasnt until maybe 2007 that there were also beverage containers for Return Of The Jedi. I got my grubby geek hands on a Han Solo holder of drink at a toy show in Rochester. Wow i sure managed to drag out a boring topic. Have a gread day everybody.

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