Friday, May 15, 2009

Random things pissing off the Jaymeister this week

Today was my first day off of the week and not a moment to soon. I actually had a customer tell me that i seemed annoyed talking to him. The truth of the matter was--i really was annoyed. He had done nothing but bitch for 20 minutes straight and i think he said "what the hell" at least ten times. I had to repeat everything at least 3 times. Maybe i should have done my best to disguise how annoyed i was but it was my last call of the day and after listening to almost a hundred people go off on me, i just wanted to go home. It had been that kind of a day. I think one guy even told me to burn in hell. It was a glorious day!

Lets see what other awesome things are going on? Oh yeah for some reason theres a billion mosquitos buzzing around our complex. It doesnt look disgusting at all.

I realized yesterday that i need to lose some weight. I dieted last summer and lost 10 pounds. The bad thing is since last summer i gained that back plus an additional 9 pounds. I gotta get in shape. I think i'm going to start a new diet after Diana's party. Oh yes i will lose the Chris Farley gut. Oh yes i will.

So Colin Hay announced 2 concerts at the casino. For those of you not familliar with his work he was in a band in the early 80's called Men At Work. He's had a bunch of solo albums since. I've seen him before and had my pic taken with him(see above). So in a previous blog i was bitching about expensive ticket prices-especially for acts that peaked in the 80's and 90's. For once the tickets were not to bad-26.00 dollars. Kath was excited and we thought we might be going-until we saw the dates for the shows--August 28 and 29. This is the same weekend as the comic book convention we go to every year and theres no way Kath is going to be able to get Friday the 28th off as well. Someone doesnt want me going to a concert ever again.

Wow I'm starting to sound like a little bitch so I'm going to wrap things up and think of some nice things to blog about

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